affigned by M` G. difproved CAPiX.g:g, take this tobe the tenor ofthe Do&rine he oppofeth , and ofthe Argument 221 which he undertakes toAnfwer ? viz,. That the Faithof Believers , ànd the continuance ofthat, is interceded for, without any reference to the worke of Faith inGofpell Obedience, and communion With Gad in Chrift ? Or if he thinks not fo, why doth he fo often infft on this calumnious evafion ? 3. In giving the aimeofChriff in his Intercefsion for believers , we have 3 this new cogent Argument againft our 'Pofìtion; ChriftIntercedes for the things here by rite mentioned; therefore he doth not Intercede for the Perfeverance of the Saints; But why fo ? Is there any inconuiftency in thefe things, any repugnan- cy in tetmes, or contrariety ofthe things themfetvesc Chrift Intercedes, that Believers may enjoy theLoveofGod; therefore he doth not Intercede , that they maybe eftablifhedin Believing ? , 2. Thefemme ofall that is here aferibed to the Intercefsion ofChrift, at thebelt, is, that God will confirme and ratify that everlafting Law, that Be- lievers, continuingfo to the end,fballbefaved, whichwhether it be the fuínme ofChrifts Intercefsion for his Churchor no, that'church will judge ;If therebe any thing farther, or ofmore importance to them,inwhat isafligned toitby M. Goodwin, it is wrapt up in the knot of&c. which I am notableto un- tye Ele1Thofe words oft1e Apoftle[whofhalllay any thing to thecharge ofGods ] do not denote,this is that the Intercef f on ofChrift for them,thatno ac- eufation be admitted againft thé,whilft theybelive5which is no more, but the confirmation ofthat generali Propofition of theGofpell before mentioned. But it is the Conclufron which they makeupon. theAccount of the Intercefii- on ofChrift in the Applicationofthe Promife of the Gofpell to their owne foules: Neither is thereany more weight in that which followes, that there be no abatement, or alienation of the LoveofGod froira them, upon the account oftheirfulferings and afiliions, which for the moft part, are for his fake;. what SaintsofGod were almoft fo much as once tempted with a conceit, that Gods Love ( hould be abated,oralienated from them,becaufe they fuffe- redforhim? And this is theFoundation ofthat excellent rate ofConfolation at which the Saints,upon the accountofthe Interceffon ofchrifl, may bemaintained. Into Affli&ions, Temptations, Tryalls,they may fall: but iftheycontinue in Faith, ViandLove, they (hall not be reje&ed. No Creature(hall be heardagainft them; that Chrift takes care for; But for the worft enemies they have , their owneLufts, Corruptions,and Unbeliefe,the fiery Darts ofSathan fighting a- gainft their foules, their continuance in Believing, the falling,from whence is indeed all the danger they areexpofed to, (for whilft they continue fo do- ing, all otherthings are lighter then vanity ) that Chrift takes no care about, (thoughhe pray, that Godwould fan&ify them and keepe them,) but they muff (hilt for themfelves as well as they can, he will not,doth not Intercede for them, that from thefe they may be preferved; Doubtleffe, he that (hall think tobemaintained long at any high rateof Conrolation,and laves in no o- ther, nor no better provifionto live on, then this mentioned, will quickly be reduced toa dry morfell. But yet foine Reafons ofthe foregoing interpretation of this place ofthe Apoftle Rem. 8: are offeredunto us. 4: 9 This tobe the tenon, andeffeli o fChrilá's Interceffon for his Saints (faithhe) is evidentfrom thefirfiofthe threepa/fages cited: And for that demand [who Jhallfeparateasfrom the love ofchrifi ] It is net meantfrom the Love,wherewith we love Chrif, butfrom the Love wherewith. Chrifi loveth us;as weareSaints,and abide in his love, and keepe his commands : neither is it fo to beconceived, as if F f 3 finne