CAPJX. 4,g Intercefsion ofChraas afsigned by Mr G. difproved. 222 finite, wicl¿edneffe, loofeneffe,profaneneffe, couldnot unfaint men, and herebyfe- parate them from themfrom that love, wherewith Chrrflfometimes loved them, (fàr that Iniquity willfeparatebetween men,and their God, is evidentfrom tfa. 59.2.)Butthe cleare meaning is,that nothing, noCreature whatfoever, perfon,or thing, can.make Chrisi an enemy to thofe, who Mall in Faith and Love, cleave fall unto him., Anf: i. All this refpeð only one expreflion in this oneplaceofScrip ture, and arifeth not, with the leaft power, againft our Argument taken from manyplaces in Conjunction, explicatory oneofan other; It runns alto. upon the fame miftake with the former, taking the exaltation ofBelievers,up- on the Interceffron ofChrift in their behalfe, which holds out theIffue ofit, to be expreffive ofthe matter of his Interceflìon; being only a demonftration ofthe event ofofit; But grant thisto be the tenor and effèét of Chrifts Inter- ceflìon,that Believers may not befeparated from his Love: is heheard there- in, or is henot ? Whatfoever be the iffue of the queftion, our procedure will be facile. But it is Paid, that it is not theLove,; wherewithwe love chri.11 but that wherewith he loveth us,that wefbailnot befeparated from take this all() for granted, that it is that, & that only: will this advantage your Caufec Ifwe benever feparated from that Love that Chrift bears us , is it pcfiìble we f could wholly be feparated fiotn that Love, that we beare him ? Wherein confìfts our feparation from that Love, thatChrift bearsus ? How. is it confect, or.may it beprocured ? Is it not by the toile ofour Faith and Love to him?Or at leaft is it not aninfeparable confequencethereof ? Or can it poffibly come topaffe any otherwife, then on that account ? If then he Intercedes that we may not be feparated from that Love he bears us, and that Love inferrs the continuanceofours, doth henot withall Intercede,that we may never lode that Love, wherewith we love him, by which wecontinue in his Love ? If theold fhift be not at hand for a reliefe, this young part oftheAnfwer will inflantly Puffer Joffe. It is added therefore, he loveth us, as we are Saints and abide in bis Love, that is, (for fo we muff underftand it,) whiift weare fo; for that he beares any effe&wall Love to us, to keepe us up to Saintfhip, that is denyed; 'tis true,Chrift loveth us as Saints, and as abiding in his Coalman- dements; but it is alb his Love tokeepe us, and he intercedeth that we may abide in that Condition, wherein alone it is poffible for us fo to do: Neither is the Queftion, whether Chine, loofenefht, profaneneffe,do not feparate be- tween God and men, more or leffe; but whether Believers fhall.not be pre- ferved from filch loofeneffe &profaneneffe,aswould make a totali reparation between God and them; and ifGod intercedes, as is added in the coofe, that nothingmay makehim an enemy to us, certainely he muff Intercede that no finne may do it; For indeed, finne is fomethingin this bufineffe; and this muff be, as to thekeeping us from it; I fuppofe no man thinks any thing in all this DifcourfeofMr Goodwin's, to loofe like the leaft attempt ofproofe, that Chrift Both not Intercede for- the Perfeverance of Saints. Neither bath heconfidence enough pofitively to deny it, & therefore fpendshis whole Dif- courfe hereabout in evafions, and diverfions. Let it be directly denyed, that Chrift doth not intend, that the FaithofBelievers maynot falle, that his Saints may be preferved, and Saved; and we know what wehave to applyour felves unto:And if the contrary cannot be proved, theSaintsknow, what they have to truft unto, that theymay no longer leane on that which will yeild them no fupportment. Ifthis will not be, let it on theother hand be granted, that he doth fo intercede; for, de unoquoq; armare, ant negare, vermin ell. As to this then he proceeds Secondly