CAP. 1X. g,ve InteYCefSlonofChcifbaS afsigned byMr G. difproved. 224 falvation is nor inour own cuftody; That the Father doth not keepeus, or preferve us, that the Sonnedoth not Intercede, that we may be fo prefer- ved, that the Spirit doth not makeus meete for, and keepeus unto the Inheri- tanceoft he Saints in Light, but that , in theufe of meanes we are, as Adam was, our own keepers, are fomeof thePrinciples of that new way ofadmini firing confolation to Believers, which Mr Goodwin hath found out. This then is the utmoff, which Mr Goodwin will allow tobe (for difputation fake, not that he really believes it) granted,that Chrift intercedes for his Saints, as to their continuance and prefervationin that condition , viz. That God would give them fuchmeanes, as they mayufe, or not ufe , at their liberty, which may be effeauall , or not effe&uall , as their own wils Shall choofe to make ufe ofthem, which he alto takes for granted,tobe common toall the World, and not to be peculiar unto Believers. But it is farther argued , IfChrifi fhouldlimply and abfolutely Intercede,that nofinne or wickednefe whatfoever, may defroy the Faith of any true Believer, and confequently deprive himofsalvation,fhould henot hereby become that,whicb the Apofilerejeïls with indignation, as altogether unworthy of him Imeane, a Minifieroffinne? Is therefore Chrifi theMinifieroffinne? Godforbid; or where- by, or wherein, can it lightly be imagined; thatOhre,fiShould become aminifier of .finne, rather thenby interceding with his Father , that filch and Such men, .how vile and abominablefoever they(ball become, mayyet be precious in hisfight , and receive a Croton ofRighteoufnefefrom his hand Or clothnotfuc h an Interceifi- on, asfamemen put upon him, as they who make him to Intercedelimply and abfo- lutelyfor the PerfeveranceofBelievers in their Faith, amount to an Intercefionof everywhit asvile andunworthy Import as this ? Anf That this is the tenor of Chrifts Interceffion with his Father , for Yuen, let them become as vile .4s theywill how vileand abominablefoever , yet that they may beflill precious inhisfight, andthathe would give them a Crowne ofRighteoufnefe, M. Goodwin knoweth full well , not to be the Do&rine of themhe oppofeth; Ifhe 1hall otherwifeaffirme, it will be incumbent onhim to produce fotne one Author, that hath wrote about this Doctrine, in what language foever, and foRated it Ifhe beignorant, thatthis is not their Do- &rine, he ought not to have ingaged into an oppoftion thereof : if he argue that it is otherwife , this procedure is unworthy ofhim. That Chrift Inter- cedes forhis Saints; that they maybekept from all fuch finnes, as would fe- parate them from theLove and Favour of his Father , for which there is no,_ Remedyprovided in theCovenant ofGrace, and that their Faithmay not faile or periflaunder fuch finites, as they may through Temptation fall into , is the Do&rine,which he oppofeth, or at leaft ought tooppofe, to make good his undertaking; Now ifthis be fo, then (faith he) is Chrifi the minifier of,inne: why fo ? He fees and foretells , that Peter Should deny him thrice, yet he prayes, that Peters Faithmay not faileunder that finneand wickedneffe: is he thereforea minder offinne ? becaufe heIntercedes, that his Saints may not begiven up to the poweroffinne, nor every time they-are affaulted,lye con- queredby finne, is fie therefore a minifier of thine? or rather a deliverer from finne?That very thing, which M. Goodwin affirmes would makehim a mini- , .fier offinne, he affirmes himfelfe to do in the cafe of Peter; how he will free himfelfe from this charge and imputation, ipfeviderit, . 2. What it isto Intercede fimply andabfolutely for Believers, that they may continue believing, weare not fo cleare in Chriff Intercedes , that they may be preferved by the power ofhis Father, in and through the ufeofthofe meanes,whichhe graciouflyaffordsthem, and the Powerfull prefenceofthe Spirit ofGod with them therein; and that, not on any fuch abfurd and foolith conditions,