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The InfluenceofChrift's Interceßion into the Perkit,ofSts. C./X.4:12,13. conditions, that they may be fo preferved byhis Father, provided theypre- 225 ferve themfelves, and continueBelievers, on condition they continue to be- lieve; and, if this be ofa vileandunnsorthy import,the Gofpell is fo too and one ofthe molt eminent Graces, that is inwrapped in the New Covenant,is fo too. What there is farther in M.Goodn'inSes.34.Pag. 249,250. unto this Argu- ment, is either a meere repetition ofwhat was fpoken before, or a preffing of 4' 12 , Confequences upon' fuck fuppofalls, as he ispleated to make, concerning the Do&rive that he doth oppofe ; As wecannot hinderany man from making what fuppofals they pleafe, and fuiting inferences to them , manifetting their íkill in caffingdowne what themfelvesPet up, fo weare not in the leaft con- cerned in fuch Theatrical! conteffs. What it is, that we. teach of the Interceffion ofChrift for I3elievers, hath §:t3. been fufficiently explayned; The end, and aimeofit 'is, that they maybe Jept, that they may not be loft, that the evillone may not touch them, that they may be Saved to the utncoft, and kept by the Power of God untoSalvation; All that theLord Jefus bath for his Church, either bybis oblation, or his Inter= ce /on, procured, or dothprocure, being madeout unto them by the Holy and Bleffed Spirit, which he fent them from hisFather, as the firft fruits of his undertaking for them, by, and in the ufe of fuchmeanes and wayes, as he hath appointed for them to walke in, in reference to the end propofed: He Intercedes that through fupplyes of that spirit, their Faith falle not, that no temptation prevaile againe them, that they mayhave fuitable helpesin timeofneed, and fo be preferved, according to the tenor ofthat San&ifica- tion,which he is pleafed togive them in this life,which is imperfelt, not from all finnes, ( for it is the will ofGod, to keepe them and walke with them ina Covenant ofpardoning Mercy,) not abfolutely, from this, or that great Ernie, as is evident in thecafeofDavid andPeter, whereof, under fuck finnes, -the one loft not theSpirit, nor the other his Faith, but from fuck finnes, or filch acourfe or way, in and under finne, as would dïfappoint him, and make bis defires fruftrate, as to the end firft propofed, of bringing them to Glory; fo that, as the intendment ofhis Oblation is, meritorioufly, and by way of procurement, to takeaway all ourfinnes whatfoever; and yet in the applica- tion ofit untous, as to thetaking of them away, by purifying us tobe anHoly Peopleunto himfelfe, it is not perfe&ed and compleated at once, nor the worke thereofconfu'mmated, but by degrees; fo in his interceffion, which re fpe&eth thefame perfonsand things with hisOblation,he puts in for Our de- liverance from all finnes, & the power ofthem,but fo and in a fuchmanner, as the natureofour prefent condition, whilftwe are in viii; and the conditi- on ofthe Covenant, whereunto God hath gracioufly' taken us, doth re- quire. Through the GoodneffeofGod, we have nowbrought this Part toan end. They,who are in any meafure acquainted,in what ftraights, under what 4' 13 prefling employments, and urgent Avocations, and in what fpace oftime thisoffering was provided for theSantíuary ofGod, will accept it in him, whole it is, and fromwhom it was received. Gg CAP.X.