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C. XVI.CounielI of the H.Q. toBelievers confitl:ent withthe D. ofS.P. 382 bout like a roaringLyon, Peeking whom he maydevoure Who will fit himfelfe with all his might, to thruft you headlong intoall manner offinnes, andfo tofepa- rate'tweeneyou andyour Godfor ever; And truly i amafraid, leafyas the Serpent by hisfubtilty deceivedLive,foyour minds fhouldbe corruptedfrom theSimplicity which is inyefus Chrift, leafy the tempterfhould any way tempt you, and mylabour aboutyou be in vaine 5 Therefore Watch, Pray, Refift himftedfaft in the Faith; Take untoyou thewholearmour ofGod, that you maybe able to rep in an evifl day, andhavingdone allthings Pfandfaft5 Stand having your Mines girt with the girdleoftruth, and the breflplate ofRighteoufneffe uponyou: Wouldfuch an o- ration orfpeech as this beany way worthy theInfinite wifedomeoftheHoly Ohofi? Or is it not thepart ofa very weakeandfmpleperfon to admonijb a manand that ina moftferiousandfolemne manner ofa danger threatning hint, or hanging over his head,and withall to inffrutf him with great variety ofdireffion and caution how to efcape this danger,whenas both himfelfe knows, andtheperfon admonifbed knowes likewife that it is a thing altogether impoffible that ever the danger fhould befall him, or the evillagain!" which he isfofolemnely cautionedcome Upon him.? Therefore thole whomake the HolyGhog to havepart andfellowpip infilch weak nefe as this are molt infuferably injuriousunto him. 4. 9. An f. Torapport theStage for to a&this part ofthe pageant in hand upon, there are many fuppofalls fixed by our Author , that are to beare up the weight ofthe whole, which upon tryall will appeare tobearrant falle preten ces, painted anticks, that have notthe leaft ftrength or efficacy for the end 4. to. and purpofe whereunto they are applied. Firft, 'Tis fuppofed, that the endofall there admonitions, is ineerely and folely to prevent theSaints from final! Apoftafys and that they are tobeware ofthe wiles and affaultsofSatan, only leaft he prevaile over them , tocaufe . them to depart utterly from Gods That this is fuppofed in this difcourfe is . evident,becaufe upon the granting ofa promife,that they shall not befo pre- vailed againft, they are judged all ufeleffe and ridiculous : Now who knows not but that Satan may winnow , and in tome meafisre prevaile againft the Saints, to the DifhonourofGod, the Reproachof the Got-pelf , Grieving of theSpirit, and Scandali ofthe Church, although theyfall not totally and fi- . nally from Gods And that many ofthofeAdmonitions, tend to thepreferva- tionofBelievers, from fuchfalls andfailings, is more evident than toneed a- nyDemonftratiorrby confiderationof theparticular inftances. 4. I I. Secondly, It fuppofeth as is expreft, that Believers may fall into all manner ofhorrid f nnes and Abominations , which is the thing in Queftion , and byus pun&ually denied: What ever their furprizalls maybe, yet there are finnes which they cannot fall into: and the great abominationofevery finne , that 'tis committedwith the whole heart,and with full confent, they are not at all expofed or liableunto, as hath been proved. 4 12, Thirdly, That there isan inconfiftencybetween Promifes and Precepts, in reference to the fameObje& 5 thatGod should promife toworkeany thing effe&ually in us, andyet require it ofus, is thought ridiculous, and on thisac- count the great folly here imputed to the difcourfe framed for the Holy Ghoft, is propofed to confift in this, that God fhould exhort us, towatch a- gainft the affaultsofthe Divell,and yet promife that byhis Grace, he will ef- fe&uallywork in us,& for us, thevery fame things A fuppofall deftru&ive to thewholenature oftheNew-Covenant,eafily difproved by innumerable in- ftances. 4.13. Fourthly, That Believers are to be wrought upon to obedience alwaies, whatever the frame of their fpirits be , by -the fame wales and meaness Thence 'tis that promifes, promifes of higheft and greateft affurance,are in