r Doit. of Ses Pert. not¿ontrary to the Councells of the Holy Gh.C.XVI. in this difcourfe, coupled with cautions ofthe deepeftcharge, as though they 383 mull at the lame time operate the fame way toBelievers, or elfe the Holy- Ghoft be liable to be traduced, as inconfftent with himfelfe. When thegreat 'variety that is in their fpirituallframe and temper, the manifold Temptations wherewith they are aflaulted , the Light and Darke places they walke through &c. give occalon fufficient to the exerciuing towards them, all the piping and mourningthat is provided forthem. Fiftly,That all Believers are affuredoftheir Perfeverance, & that to fuch a 4. r¢, degree as not tofeare any Apoftafy, or to care what becomesof them ( that isaitured to prefumption not Believing, ) & therefore are thofe Cautions and Admonitionsofthe Holy Ghoft on that Account, tending to ftirre up in them any Godly care or feare rendred fruftrate; when M. Goodwin himfelfe, thinks that very fewofthem , doe upon any good and abiding foundation , know themfelves tobe Believers. And we never once fuppofed that all ofthem have Affurance oftheir Perfeverance, nor any of them upon the termer here propofed; all the ftrength of what is here infinuated lyes in this that God gives Affurance tomenof the ftedfaftnefíîe, and conflancy ofhis Love, un- der fuppofall of their falling into all manner of abominable finites; Which fuppofall alone renders an inconfftency between the fenceofthe Promifes we embrace, and that ofthe Admonitions. that are given to theSaintscharging them to walke heedfully and to watch diligently againft the attempts and affaults ofSathan. Now this fuppofall isin it felfe falfe and ridiculous: Nei- ther ever did the Lord, nor dowe ever fay he did, tender men Affurance ofhis Love on fuch termes; Neither is itpoffible for any onefor ever to have a trueperfwafion ofhis ownePerfeveranceunder fuch notions. Sixtly,That there isan inconfiftencybetwixt Faithfull Promifesofattaining §;15. anendby theufeofmeanes,andExhortatiòn withAdmonitions,to makeufeof thofe meanes; fo that if it be fuppofed that God promifeth that Sathan (hall not in the iffue prevaile over us prefcribing to us the meanes whereby we (hall be preferved from his prevalency, 'tis in vaine to deale with us for the applicationofour felves, unto the ufe ofthofe meanes. Seaventhly,'Tis alfo fuppofed that an Afarance ofthe Love ofGod and 4.16, the continuance ofit to the Saints unto the end, fo that theyhhall be never utterly rejeered by him is an effeftuall way& meanes to induce themtocarnali & bofewalking, and a negligence in thofe things,, which are aprovocation to the eyesofhis Glory, and therefore ifhe Promife Faithfully neverto leave as norforfake us, it is an inducement for us toconclude, let the Divell now take his fwing & do withus what he pleafeth. Toexhort us to take care for the a- voidanceofhis fubtiltyes and oppofition is a thing altogether ridiculous; Thevanityofthis fuppofall, bath been fufficiently before difcovered andk felfe difproved. Upon fuch Hypothefes as thefe (I fay) upon filch painted ports, is the whole 4.17. pageant ereftedwhich weare here ingaged withall ; and thefe being eafily caft down, thewhole ruffies to the ground, iti the roome whereof accor- dingto our principles this following Difcourfe may befupplyed. You that aretrue Believers, called,Juftifyed, Sanfifyed by the Spiritand 4. 18; Blood ofChrift, adopted into my family ingrafted in, & united unto the Son ofmy Love, I knowyourweakenefle,infufiïciency, difability, darkeneffe, bow that without my Sonne and continuall fupplyofhis Spirit,you can do nothing, the power of your Indwellingfinne, is not hid from me, how with violence it leads you captive to theLaw thereof,and though ye do believe, yet know youhave yet allo Comeunheal'd unbeliefe and on that account are ofteno- verwhelmed with Feares, Sorrowes; Difconfolations and Troubles, and are ready