C. XVl.Counfellof theH.G, toBelievers confluent with the D. ofS.P. 384 ready often to thinke that your way is paffedover form me, and your Judg- ment hidden from your God : And in this Condition, I know the Aflàults, Temptations, and Oppofitions of Sathan that you are expofed to, how he goes up and downe like a roaring Lion feekingto deftroy you, his wayes,Me- thods , wiles and baits (that he layes for you, and whereby he feekes tode- {troyyou) aremany, he a&s againít you as aSerpent fubtilly and wifely; as a Lyon dreadfully andfearefully, and with fnares not ofyou, by your felves to berefilled: you have Principallityes, and Powers to wreftle withal!, and the darts ofthe wicked one to defend your felves againft, Wherefore bewareof him, be not ignorant ofhisdevices, Rand fait in the Faith, take to you the whole armour ofGod, refift him, overcome him, call himout by prayer, and the blood oftheLambe, watch night andday that you be not furprifed nor feduced (asEve was)by him,that he turne you not out ofthe way into pathes leading todeftru&ion, and thruft you headlong into fuchGnnes as will be difbonour to me,agriefe to my Spirit a fcaudall to the Church, and bitter- neffetoyour owne foules5 Andas for me, who know yourdifabiliry ofyour felves todo anyofthefe things, and fo tohold to theend, becaufe it pleated me tolove you, & fet myheartupon you,havingchofenyoubefore the Foun- dation ofthe world, that you fbouldbe holy and unblameable before me in Love,&having given my only Sonne unto you,who is your peace & through whom you have received the Attanement, with whom I will not deny youor withhold from you any thing that may fafeguard your abiding with me untoSalvation, I will through the richesofmy Grace, workeall your workes for you, fulfillingin you all the good pleafure ofmyGoodneffe & the worke ofFaith with power,.I will tread down Sathan, this cruel!, proud, Malicious, bloudy enemyof your Souks, under your feet, and though at any time he foile you yet ye fhall not be call down, for I will takeyou up, and will certainly preferve you bymy power, to the endofyoürhope, the Salva- tionofyour foules ; whatever betide you, or befall you, I will never leave you, nor forfake you, the mountaines may depart andthe hills beremoved, but my kindneffe (hall never be removed from you, comfort ye, beofgood courage, and runne withjoy the race that is letbefore you. This (I fay) is the language which according to the tenour of the Do- ¿trine whole maintenance we are ingaged in, God fpeakes to his Saints and Believers, and iftherebe folly and inconfiftency found therein,let the Scrip- tures vindicateand plead for themfelves. Secondly, For the clofe of this Difcourfe ofour Author,charging this courfe of proceedure with folly; viz. To give admonition to the ufeof meanes,when the end is certainely determined to iffueupon theufeof thofe meanes,he muff firft evinceit as to theapplication of it to the bufineffe in hand,before I can clofe with him in the managing thereof.for the prefentI ra- ther thinkthe follyofthis charge, as far as it lookes towards the Doarine un- der confederation toarife fromother things. As Firft, An Impertinent comparifon inflituted between God and man in their Admonitions and dealings with men; as. thoughnothingmight befeeme him in Spirituali things ofeternali concernement , but what is fquared to the rules ofour proceedings one towards another, in things Natural! or Ci- vil!. And Secondly, A falle fuppoftall that the end is promifed and affured toany, withoutor betidesthe ufeof :wanes, or walking according to the rules, pre- cepts,and inflru&ions given for that purpofe,or for Attainement ofthe end fo promifed. Now what folly there is tocharge men toufemeans for the attai- ning ofan end,whenthey are,although Exhorted,alfo Mitred, that in their fo doing