Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

C. XVI. i John z. 19. Explained andVindicated. ago fence ofthe Words is, that he is able togive another meaningofthem (in his own judgement) moreproper to the words, andmore commodious to thefcope of the placé: whichwhether it haveanymore efficacy to take in the forceand e- vidence ofthe Interpretation given, lyingplaine and cleare in the firff viewof the words, and Context, than it bath to evade the edu Lion of any Truth whatever, from any placeof Scripture whatever , feting fome or other fup- pofe themfelves able to give another fence of the words , let the Reader judge: But he adds 4.3 0. Secondly, That this Expre on[they wereofus] fignifies that they were true Believers isprefnned; oftheuncertainty ofthisfuppo f tion wefhall (faith he)give the likeaccount. Anf. Whenwe come to take M. Goodwin's farther Account, we !hall be able (Imake nodoubt) to reckon with him, and to difcharge his Bill ; In the meane time,we fay,that fuppofition [ifthey hadbeen ofus] (whence our Infe- rence is made) evidently includesa fellowfhipand communion with the Apo- tlle & trueBelievers in their fellowfhip with God,which is afferted as acertain Foundation of 'liens abiding in thecommunion oftheSaints. But faies he, 4. 314 Thirdly, tisfuppofed, that theft words [theywent outfrom us] lignite theirfi- nálldefeelion , or abdication ofthe Apo_files communion, or their totali and finals renunciation ofChrifl, his Church, andGofpell; zh.is fuppofition bath no bottome at all, or colour forit. Anf. Divide not the words from their coherence, and the intendment of theplace, and thefignificationdenyed is too evident and cleare for any one, with the leafi colourofReafon, to rifeup againft it They went out , fo out from the communionofthe Church, as tobecome Anti-Chrifls, oppofers of Chrift, and feducers from him; and certainly in fodoing did totally defert the Communion of theApofile, renounce theLord Chriff, as by himPreacht, and forfooke utterly bothChurch and Gofpell, as to any fellowfhip with the one or the other: And weknow full well, what is the bottomeofthis and the likeA ffertions; that Each andfach thingshave no bottome at all;whichnever yet failed M. Goodwinat his need. ;2§ Fourthly(faith he) 'Tisfuppofed that this claufe [ they would no doubt have continued with us] fignifies they wouldhave continued in thefame Faith,where- inwe Perfevere and continue; nor is there (faithhe) any competent Reafn to in- force thisfenceofthofe worcic, becaufe neither doth the Grammatical!tenourof them require it,and muchlefta thefcopeof thepaffage. Anf. The Fellowfhip John invited Believers unto , and to continue in, (as bathbeen often obferved withhim,) and theSaints with him, was that which they held with the Father and the Bonne, to continue with themtherein , in the Litterall Grammatical! fence ofthewords, is to continue in the Faith : It beingFaith whereby they have that fellowfhip or Communion;this alto is e- vident fromthe fcope ofthe whole paflàge, and is here only impotently de- nied. But faith he, Fiftly, ThefaidInferencefuppofeth that John certainly knew, that all thofe who for theprejènt remained in hiscommunion, were true Believers, for , if they were not truebelievers, they that weregone out from them in the fence contended for, might befaid to beof them, that is, perfons of thefame condition with them ;But bow improbable this is, Imeane that John fbould infallibly know , that all thofe who asyet continued with them, were trueBelievers, Ireferre to confderation. Anf. HadM. Goodwin a little poifed this paflage before he took it up,per. haps he would have call it away, asan ufelefl'e trifle; But his matters having infiftedon it, perhaps bethought it not meet toqueftion their judgements, in the