C. XVI. i lohn z. I9 Explained and Vindicated. 392 pleads,for the waving ofthe forceofthoArgument, in hand) that wholeSe- ûion. Thus then he proceeds. ß. 36. Suppofe that theft two fuppofitions be granted to the Inference makers; Firf, Thatthis phrafe[togoe outfrom us]fignifies voluntarily toforfake thefociety and communion ofChriMans; AndSecondly, That this exprejfon [to beofus]fiignifies trueand inward communionwith thofefromwhom they ,vent ont,yet willnot thofe contributionsfiace,for thefirme buildingof the faid Inference;. TheReafon is, Becaufe the Apo le expreffelyfaith;that they would have continued with [us,]not that theywould-havecontinuedfach, as they were, in refpetJ ofthe Truth or Ejjence oftheir Faith; andiftheApofllesfcope in thisplace were toprove or arme, that they who are once true Chriftians, or Believers, alwaies continuefuch, then, when hefaith they would have continued with 10, hemull ofnecePity meane, either that they wouldhave continued Faithfull as we continue Faitbbfull, or elk that they woulddave continuedalwaies inourfociety, or in the profeflion of Christianity: But that neither o f thefefences are ofany .tolerable conyfiency, is évident ,by tue light ofthis Confederation, viz. That theApoflle thenmull have known, that the perforas heefpeakesof, andwho went onefrom them, neitherwere nor ever hadbeen true Christian Believers, when they went thus from them; Now if he had this, knowledgeofthens, it muff befuppofed either that he had it by extraordinaryRe-: velation (butthis isvery improbable, and howfoever cannot beproved; ) or elfe that he and' obtain'd it by their departure or goingout from them; butthat this could be nofuftcient Argument orground, t_o beget any fuch knowledge in the Apoftleconcerning them, is evidentfrom hence , Becaufe it may very eafly, and doth veryfrequently come to paffe, That they who are true Christians doe not al- wales continue in thefociety towhich they havejoyned them]elves, nonor yet in the externall profeßionof Chriflianity it felfe; yea , ourappofers thensfelves, fre- quently andwithoutfcruple teach, that even true believersthemflves,may through Feare, orfname,or extremity offufferinngs, be brought to deny Chril, and without any danger ofbeing fbip-wraci t,of their Faith forbearemaking a profeflion of the nameofChrifÈ afterwards. 4: 37. Anf Firft, What is meant and Intendedbythofe expreffions [ went out from us, and to boofus] hath been declared; We are not to teach the Holy Ghoft -tofpeake; What ever conceit we may haveofour own abilities, when we dealewith Wormes ofthe Earth, likeour felves, to his will, tohis expref fions, we muff valle and fubmit ; He is pleafed to phrafe their continu- ance in theFaith, their continuance withus, that is, with theSaints in the fel -, lowfhip and communionof theGofpell, which they had with God in Chrift; Theexpreßion is cleare and evident to the purpofe inhand, and there is no contending againft it. Secondly, wedoenot fay, that 'tis the dire& (copeand intent oftheApoftle in this place, toprove that thofe who are true Believers, cannot fall away, and depart from the Faith, which he afterwards Both to the pnrpofe, Cap. 3. 9 but bis mindand intendment was,.to manifeft, that thole who forfake the Society, ofChriftians, and becomeAnti- Chrifts, and feduccrs, were indeed never trueBelievers; ufeing the other Hypothefis as a medium' for the confir- mation ofthis Affertion. Thirdly,' By that phrafe, they would have continuedwith us, the Apoftle intends their continuance in the fociety and fellowfhipofthe Faithful] by the profeflionof JefusChrift, whomnow they oppofed, denying hirn'tobe come in theflefh; that is, they would not have fp fallen off, as they have done, upon. the account ofthe Eftate and Condition of true Believers, and reali Saints,, who arekept by the power ofGod tofalvation. Fourthly , The Apoftle did know , and profeffed himfelfe toknow , that they