C.XVII. bhp: z. tg. Explain'd andvindicated. 394 well with the Apofiles, and thole Chriflianfocietyes with which they Conforted; Therewasfomething not a it ought to have been, either in Dolirine,or manners, or both, whichminifired anoccafon to thefe men to breake communion with there, and to leave them. Anf. Firft The intendment of theApoftle in theContext, is evidently to 4.41. caution Believers againftfeducers, acquainting them alto, with the fweet and gracious provifion, that God had made for their prefervation, in the abiding; teaching, anointing, bellowedon them : In the verfe under prefent confiders tion, begives them adefcription ofthe perlons that did feduce them, in re- fpe&oftheir present Rate and condition', They were Apoftates; who though they hadfometimes made profeffionoftheFaith, yet indeed were never true Believers, nor had any fellowfhip with Jefus Ch rift, as he and the Saints had, which alto they had abundantly manifefted by their openApoftacy, and en- fuing oppoution to theDoctrineof theGofpell, and theeternal! Lifemanife- fted therein. Secondly, That any Chriftians whatfoever , from the confìderationoftheft feducers falling away did entertaine any fufpicion that all things were not well in that fociety ofwhich theApoftle fpeakes(not with theApoftles,which were all dead, himfelfe only excepted, when John wrote this Epiftle) either as toDo&rineor manners, fo fuppofingthem to take part withtheApoftates, in their departure, isafurmize whereunto there isnot any thing (in the leaft) contributed in the Text, or Context, nor any thing like to it, being a meere invention ofour Author, foundoutto ferve this turne, andconfidently with- out any indu&ion lookingthat way; or attempt of proof; impofed upon his credulous Reader; ifmen may affume to themfelves aliberty ofcreating oc calions ofwords, difcourfesorexpreffions in theScripture, no mannerofway infinuated, nor fuggefted therein, they may wreft it to what they pleafe, and confirme whatever they have a mind unto. 4.42- Thisfalfe foundationbeing laidhe proceeds tobuild upon it,and fititably thereunto.feignes the Apoftle to fpeakewhat never entred into his heart, and unto that,whereo , hehad no occafion adminiftred. To this <faith he) the Apofile anfwereth partly byConceffion, partly by Excepti- on; Firfi by Conceffion, in thofè words [they went outfrom us] which march-Woe' notfomuch import their utter declining or fortking the Apoflles communion, as the advantageoropportunity which they had,to gaine credit andrefpelf,both to the Dollrine, andPerfons, amongprofefforrrs ofChriflianity in the World; In as much as they cameforthfrom theApo !es themfelves asmentent and cot zißionedby them to teach; The floe phrafeis ufed in this fence , and with Me fame import where the Apofiler write thus to the Brethrenof the Gentiles , Aels 15. 24. For as much as we have heard, that certain that went outfrom us have troubledyou, withwordsfubvertingyour foules, fayingyou mull be circumczfedand keepthe Law, to whomwe gave nofuch commandement; So that in this claufe [theywent out from us] theApofile grants; Firfi, 7hat thole Antichrffian teachers hadin-. deedfdr:a time held communionwith them; And Secondly, That, hereby they had the greater opportunity,ofdoing harme in the World, by their falfe Doelrines But Secondly. He Anfwers fartherby way ofException (but theywerenot ofSr) whilefl yet they converfedwith us, they were not menofthe famefpirit usedprinciples with us; we walled in the profefionofthe Gofpell, with tingle and upright hearts,. not aiming at anyfeculargreatneffe,or.worldly accommodations in one kindor other;, thefemen loved this prefentWorld,and when they foundthe famplicityof the Go. fpell, wouldnot accommodate them to their minds , they braké with us, andwith the truth ofthe Gofpellitfelfeat once. 0. 43, Anf Firft, I fuppofe tis evident (at thefirft view) that this newglofe of. the