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9 CAP. XVII. 12. M.G. Answer propofed and confidered. t3. Whether the words are Hypotheticall. 14. The feveralls of theText confidered: the righteous man Ipoken of , who. a5. M. G. proofeof hisInterpretation ofa Righteous man confidered. 16. D. Prideanx hisfence of the Righteous perfon here intended,confidered. 17. Ofthe commination in the words: Ihall dye. The fence of the words: what death intended. t 8.Clofeof the confiderationof the Text infifted on. 19. Mat.18.32,33. taken into a review.so. whether theLove of God bemutable. whatthe Love of God is. 21.1 Cor. 9.27. 22.1n what fenceit waspollible for Pad to becomea Reprobate. 23.The proper fenceof the place infified on, manifefled.24. Of the meaning of the word 25. The fcope oftheplace farther cleared. 26. Neb. 6. 1,5,6. Chap.10. 26,27. propofed to confideration: whether the wordsbe conditional!. 27. The genuine and true meaningof the placeopened, in fix obfervations. 28. M.G's exceptions to the Expofition of the words infifted on,removed. ThePerfons intendednot true Believers: this evincedon fundry confiderations. 29. The particulars of the Texts vindicated. 3o. Of the illumination mentioned in the Text. 31. Of the Acknowledgementof theTruthafcribcd to the Perlon mentioned. 32. Of thefan - 8ification mentionedin the Texts. 33. Of rafting the heavenly gift. 34. To bemade parta- kers oftheHolyGhoft, what. 35. Of tufting the good word ofGod , and power of the world to come. 36. Ofthe progreffe madeby man not really regenerate in the things ofGod. 371he dole ofour Confiderationson theft Texts. 28. Heb. to. 38,39. MG's arguings from thence. 39 Confidered and anfwered: of the Right Tranflation of the word : Bezel vindicated ,as alto our Englifh tranflations. 402- The wordsof theText, e(feauall to prove the Saints Perfeve- rance. 45. Of theParable ofthe ftonygroundMath. 53.20,2!. 42. M. G. arguing from the place propofedand confidered. 43. Thefimilitude in the Parable farther confidered. 44. An Argument from the Text, toprove the Perfons defcribed not tobe true Believers. 45. 2 Pet.4*, 18,19,20,21,22. 46. MrG. arguingsfrom this placeconfidered. Q7c. 4: 2. Hough I couldwillinglybe fpared the labour ofall that mutt infue to the endofthis Treatife, yet it being made neceffary by theen- deavours ofmen not delighting in the Truth(which hithertto we haveafferted)for the oppofition thereof, and lying I hope under thepower and efficacyofthat Heavenly Exhortation of contending earnefily for the Faith oncedelivered to the Saints, I Ihall with all chaerfulneffe addreffe my felfe thereunto 5 yea, the fervice and homage.I owe to the Truth it felfe, caufing thisingagement for its refcue fromunder the captivity wherein by the chains"of Mr GoodwinsRhethoricke it bath been fometimesdetained, being increafed and doubled by theprefiing and violent wreftingoffundryTexts of Scripture to ferve in the fame defigne ofbondaging theTruth withhim, is a fartherincitation, to addemy weake endeavours,to breake open thofe dores and barres,which he hath (hut and faftned upon them both, for their joynt deliverance. - In Mr Goodwins 12. Chapter he takes into participation with him, as is pretended, 8. places ofScripture, endeavouringby all meanes poffible tocorn- pell them to fpeakecomfortable words, for the reliefeofhisfainting and dying caufe : Whether He hath prevailed with them to the leaft complyance, or whetherHe will not be found to proclaime in their name what they never once acknowledged unto him, will be tryed out in theproceffe of our con- fiderationofthem. 4. 3, In the firft and fecond Sehion he fronts the Difcourfe intended with an eloquent Oration, partly concerning the tendency ofthe DohrineoftheSaints Perfeverance, which he girds himfelfe now moreclofely tocontend withal], partly concerningHimfelfe, Ms own Ability, Induftry, Skill, Diligence, and Obfervatior ,ofDohrinesandPerfons, with hisrules in judging oftheone & the other. ß 4 For the Firft, He informesus, that his judgementis,, that many who might have a CroivneofGlory, by a prefumptuous conceit of the Impoffibility of their miscarrying, arenow like tofuffer thevengeance ofeternal/fire 5 men there- by gratifying the flefh, with wrefing the Scripture to the encouragement thereof. Thatthe Proudand Prefumptuou.r conceits ofmen, are like tohave noother ifï'ueor effete,than the betraying of their foules to all manner of Loofenefe and Abomination, foexpofing them to the vengeance ofeternállfire,we arewell affured9