C. XVII.Do&ì.pretend.topromoteGodlin 'how far anArgum.ofthe truth. 400 thisRule with thefeAbilityes proceeding in the examination oftheDo trineof the Saints Perfeveriince, Hecondemnes it and calls it out asan abominable thing, preferring that concerning their finall defe&ion farre above it. Some Confiderations I £hall adde toattenduponhis Rule and principles. 6 Firfl,It is moft certaine,that the Gofpell is a Doírine according untoGodline f?c . ß` whofe immediate and dire& tendency as in the whole frameand courfeofit, fo in everyparticularbranchand fireame is to promote that Obedience toGod in Chrifi,whichwe call Godlineffes This is the will of God revealed therein evenour SanEIifzcation, and whatever Dodrine it be that is kited to turne menoff from walking with God in that way of Holineffe, it carryes its brand in its face, whereby everyone that finds it, may know that it is of the sin- cleaneSpirit, the evi11 ones But yet that there may be fearefull and defperate deceitsin the hearts ofmen judging oftruths, pretending their rife and origi- nail from the Gofpell, by their fuitableneflé to the promotionof Godlineffe andHolineffe, bathbeen before in part declared, and the Experience ofall Ages doth fufliciently manifeft. Among all thofe who profeffe the nameof Chrift more or leffe in the world,though in& under the molt Antichr f ianop-. pofition tohim, who is there that doth not pretend that this tendency ofo- pinions untoGodlineffe, or their dif erviccablenefhe thereunto, hath a great influence into the guidance oftheir judgment in the receiving or reje&ing of them. On the account ofits deflru&ivenefiè to Godlineffe and obedience do the Sociniansreje& the Satirfaflion and merit ofthrift; and on the account ofconducingneffe thereunto, do the Papiftr affert and build up the Do- drines of their owne merits, Penance;Satisfa&ton and the like. On that prin- ciple did they feeme tobe a&ed, who preflèd Legali & Judaicall fuppofitions with a thewofwifdome or will worflnp,andhumilityand negleiling the body, Col. 2. 23. Neither did they faileof their plea concerning promotion ofGodli- mefíe in the.Worthip ofGod, who reviled, reje&èd and perfecuted the Ordi- nances ofChrift in this Generation, to let up their own Abominations in the Roome; Yea,it is generally the firfl word wherewith everyAbomination opens its mouth in the world, though the men of thofe Abominations do ra- ther fuppofe this pretenceofGodlineffe tobe fervicéable for the promotion of theiropinions,than their opinions any way really ufefull tothe promotiöof godlines: Neitherneedwe go far;to encuireafter theReafonsof mens mifcar- nages, pretending to judgeofTruth according to this Rtile, feeing they ly at hand,& are expofed to theviewofall; for betides that very many ofthe pre- tenders to this plea may bejuflly fufpe&ed to bemenofcorrupt minds, dea- ling falfely & treacheroufly with their own foules & the truththe pretenceof furtheringHolineffe being one of the cunning Heights wherewith they ly in wait to deceive (which may juflly be fufpeftedofthem who together with this plea,and whilft they make it, are apparently themfelves look and remote fromthe power of Gofpell convetfation, as the cafe bath been with not a fewofthe moil eminent affertorsofArminianifine) How few are there in the world, whohave indeed a true notion and Apprehenfion of the natureof Holineffe in its whole coinpaffeand extent, as in the Fountaine, Caufes, Rife, and Ufe, and end thereof; And if men know not indeed what holineffeis, how {hall they judge what Dottrine or Opinion is conducing to the furthe- rance thereof,or is obfiruaive to it;Giveme a man who is perfwaded that he bathpower in bimfelfe, beingby the difcoveryofaRule dire&ed thereinto, to yeildthatobedience toGod,whichhe doth require who fuppofeth that threats ofhell& deftru&iöare the greatefl,&molt powerfull&effetuall motive unto that obediencethat the Spirit &Grace ofGod toworke & create anewheart in him as a fuitable principleofall holly a&ings,arenot purchafednorprocu- red