Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

Do&pretend.to promoteGodlin.how far aaArgu.m.of the truch,C. XVII. red forhim by theBlond ofChrift , nor is there any holineffe wrought in him yot by the Almighty efficacy of that. Spirit and Grace, he having a fu iciency in --- himfelfe for thole things, that there is not a reall Phyficall concurrence of the Grace ofGod for the produtiion of everygood act whatever, and that he is Juftifyed upon theaccount ()fatly' a&or partof hisObedience, or the whole, and I (hall not bemuch moved or fhaken with the Judgement of that man, concerning the ferviceableneffe & fuitableneffe ofanyDo&rine or Do&rines to the furtherance ofGodlineffe and Holineffe; There are alto many different opinions about the nature of Godlineffe, what it is, and wherein it doth confift. I delire to be informed how a man may dire&ed in his Examinati- onofthofe opinions,fuppofing him in a fireight and exigency ofthoughts be- tween them,in conftdermg which of them is belt fuited to the promotionof Godlineffe . I do not intend in the lealt to derogate from the certaine and undoubted truth of what was premifed at the beginning ofthisDifcourfe.viz. That every GofpellRule whatever is certainly conducing to thefurtheranceofGof= pelf ©bedtene in them that receive it in the Love andpower thereof; Everyer- rour being inits utmoft A&ivity (efpecially in corrupting the principles ofit) obftru&ive thereunto,much les do we in any tneafure decline the tryall ofthe DoEtrine which I affert, in oppofition to the Apoflacy of the Saints, bythis touch-(tone ofits ufefulneffe toHolineffe,having formerly manifefted itsemi- nent A&ivityand efficacy in that fervice, and the utter averfeneffe ofits cor- rivall to lend any afftftance thereunto; But yet I fay, in an inquiry after, and dijudication oftruth, whatever I have been or may be itreightned between different perfwafons, I have and (hall rather dole in the practice ofHolineflè in prayer, Faith and waiting uponGod,to fearch the Scripture,to attend wholly to that Rule, having plentifullpromifes for guidance and dire&ion, than to weigh in anyRationall confideration of myowue, what is conducing to Ho- lineffe,.what not ; efpecially inmany truths which have theirufefullneffein this fervice, (as is thecafe of moft Gofpell Ordinances and inftitutions of Worfhip) not from the connexion of things, but the meere will ofthe ap- pointer.Ofthofe Do&rines(I confeffe) whichfollowingonto know the Lord,we knowfrom his Word to be fromhim, and in which doing the willofChrill, are revealed to us to be his will, a .peculiar valuation is to be let on the headof them, which appeare tobe peculiarly and eminently ferviceable to the pro- motionand furthering our Obedience; as alto that all opinions what ever, that are in the leaí'rfeducers from the power, truth and Spirituality -ofobe- dience are not ofGod,& are eo nomine to he reje&ed; yet having a more fore rule to attend unto,! dare not make my apprehenfions concerning the tenden- cy ofDo&rines, any Rule(ifGod hath not fo fpokenofthem)for the judging oftheir truth or.falle-hood: ifmy thoughts are not (hut up and determined by the power of theWord. The next propofall made by M. Goodwin, is ofthe advantages hebath to 6, 7, judge of Truths, which he bath done unto plenary fatisfa&ion, according to the Rule ,now confidered. The first thing he offereth to induce us to dole with him in his judgement ofOpinions is theknowledge hebathof thegenerall courre ofthe Scripture; what is intended by the generell court of the Scripture, well I know not: & fo am not able to judgof M.Goodwins knowledge thereof byany thing expofed to publiqueview; Ifby the generell courfe of the scrip- tures, the matter ofthem is intended,the importance of the expreffon feems tobecoincident with theAnalogy, orproportion of Faith , a fafe rule ofPro- phefy; but what ever M. Goodwinknowledge may be ofthis, I am not per- fe&ly fatisfied that hebath kept doleunto it in many Do&rines of his Book entituled Redemption Redeemed ; and fo the weight:ofhis skill in judgingof F f f truths