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C. XV II._Ofthe experiences ofM.G s own heart,&his rationail abilityes, 402 truthson this foundation, will not ballance what I have to lay againff it, for the inducement. of other thoughts, than thole ofclofeing with him. The courfe ofthe Scripture, cannot import the manner of the expreffions therein u- fed: in that thereis fo, great and fo much variety therein, that it can fcarce be caft intoone courfe and current: and ifthegenerali fcope, aime, and tendency of the Scripture may paffe for the courfeof it there is not anyone thing that lyes fo evident and cleare therein , as the decrying of all that Ability and ftrength, and power to doe good inmen, which M. Goodwin fo much pleads for, andAflerts tobe in them, with anExaltation of that richand freeGrace in the efficacy and the power ofit, which he fomuch oppofeth. s. s. The experimental) knowledge he hathofhis own heart, theworkings and rea- fonings thereof, (' a thing commonto him with others ) andwhat advantages hehath thereby I (hall not confider; Only this I fhall dareto fay, thatI would not for all theWorld, have no experience in my heart ofthe truthof many things which M. Goodwin in this Treatife oppofeth; or that my weake expe- rienceofthe Grace ofGod, fhouldnot rile above that frame ofheart and fpi- rit, which the teachings ofit feem todifcover; I doubt a perfon under theco- venant ofworl¿,es, heightned with convi&ions, and a low or common workeof the Spirit,induced thereby to Come Regular walking before God, may reach the uttnoff of what in this Treatife is required to render a mana saint, truly gràcious, regenerateand a Believer ; And in this alto I doubt not, lyes the de-. ceit of what is thirdly infifled on , vis. Ilkobfervationofthe wayes andfpi- rits ofmen, theirfi(l)ings and laflings in Religion ; Afort ofmen thereare in theworld, whoefcape the outward 'pollution ofit,and are eleane in theirowne eyes,'though they are never wafh't from their iniquityes,who havingbeenun- der ftrongconvictions by the power ofthe Law,and broken thereby from the courfe oftheir finne,attending to the Word oftheGofpell with a temporary Fâith do go forth unto a profeffionof Religion, and walking with God fo far as to have all the linaments of true Believers (as Mr Goodwin fomewhere fpeakes) drawne in their faces , hearing theWordgladly as didHerod, receiving it with joy as did thefinny ground, attending to it with delight as they did in Ezech. 33. 31. Repenting offormer finites, as did Ahaband judos, until! they are reckoned amongtrue Believers,as was judos & thole John 2.23. whoyet were neverunited unto Jefus Chrift, of wholewayes and walking Mr Good- win feemes to have made obfervation, and found manyofthem toend in vifible Apoftacy 5 But that this obfervation ofthem, fhould caufe him to judg themwhen Apoftatized to have been true Believers, orthat he is thereby ad- vantaged todetermineconcerning thetruth offeverall Opinions pretending tohis acceptance, I cannot grant,nor doth he go about toprove. SS. 9 For what he mentions in the Taft place ofthe light ofrealon and underfland- ing,which he hath,I do not only grant him to have it in common (as he faith) withother men, for the kindofit, but alto as to the degreesofit tobemuch advanced therein,above the generality ofmen ; yet I muff needs tell him, in the dole that all thefe helps and advantages,feeming tobe drawne forth and advanced in oppofition to that onegreat afliftance which we enjoyby pro- mile fromChrift; ofhisSpirit leading us into alltruth, and teaching us from Godby his owne anointing,are tome hay and fiubble,yea lo/Te and dung,of no value nor efteeme ; Had we not other wayes & meanes,helps and advantages to come to the knowledge of the Truth than thefe here unfolded and fpreadby Mr Goodwin, alum e/fet, we fhould never perceive the things that are ofGod. The Fox wasacquainted with many wiles and devices; the Cat knewunnm magnumwherein flee found fafety . Attendance to theWord, ac- cordingto the direr ion of the ulüall known Rules, and helpes, agreedon for