Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

Txech. i8. 24, 25. propofed to confidetation. C A P. XYII. for the interpretationofit, with humble' dependance on God" waiting for 403 the guidance ofhis Spirit according to the Promife ofhisdeare Sonne; alking -- him ofhim continually that he may dwell with us, anoint and lead us into all truth, with anutter abrenunciationofall our fkill,abilityes, wifdome and any refting on them,knowing that it is God alone that gives usunderftanding is thecourfe that hitherto hath beenufed inour enquiry after the mindof God, in the Doarineunder confederation, and which (the Lord at-lifting ) Ihall be heeded, and kept clofe unto, in that difcuflìonof the Texts ofScrip- turewrefted by Mr Goodwin (as by others before him) to give countenance to his oppofition to the Truth hitherto uttered, confirmed and vindicated from his contradiaions thereunto. TheplaceofScripturefirft ínfifiedon andon the account whereof, he tri- ß' 1Óá umphs with the greateft confidence offucceffe,is that ofEzaech. i 8.24,25. Un- which words hefubjoynes a Triumphant Exulting Exclamation. . What more (faith he) can the underfianding judgementfoule andconfcience of a man,reafonably defarefor the efiablifbment in any truth whatfoever,than is deli- vered byGod himfelfe in thispaffage, to evince thepolfibility ofa righteous mans ìlecliningfront his righteoufneffe, and that unto death. The councell given ofold to the King, may not be unfeafonable toMr Goodwin in that dominion which he exercifeth in hisowne thoughts in this workeofhis, let not him thatputteth on this armour boaftlike him that puteth it ofd. You havebut newly entered the lifts; and that, with all. prefed Souldiers unwilling fo much as once toappeare in that fervice they are forcedto Ifyou will but fufpend your triuinph,untill we have madea little tryall ofyourfor- ces, and your fkill in managingof them to the battle, perhaps you maybe a little taken off from this confidence of fuccefle,notwithftanding the facing of this Scripture upon theTruth,being cutoffand takenaway from that co-, herence and connexion; andRation wherein it is placedof God (which is not at the leaft enquired into) it will be found in that iffue tobeare it no ill will at all ; Aswill alfobe manifefted by the light of the editing confide- ration. t. The matter under enquiry,& intoa difquifition ofwhofe frate wehave hitherto been engaged in the conditionoftheSaints ofGod, and his dealing with them,in and under the Covenant ofGrace inGenerall.For our guidance and direalon herein,a Text ofScripture evincing theRighteoufneffe ofGods dealings with a number ofperfons .in apeculiarcafe, which was under de- bate, isproduced and by the tenour of this, and according to the teneur of the reafonings therein, mull all the Promifes of God, in the Covenantof Grace, made and ratifyedby the BlondofChrift, be regulated and interpre- ted. We have been toldbyas Learned a man as Mr Goodwin, thatPromifes made to the peopleofthe 7ewes peculiarly, and fuited to the peculiar frate and condition wherein they were,do not concerne the PeopleofGod in gene- ral] ; And why may not the fame be the condition of Threatnings gi- ven out upon a parralell account Compedes quas fecit ipfe ut ferat gluon eft. 2. That it is the determination and flaring of a particular Cohtroverfy; between God and the_people ofthe Jewes, fuited to a peculiar dïfpenfation ofhisProvidence towards themwhich is here propofed, is evident from the occafionof the words lay'd downe v. 2, 3, What mean ye &c. that ufe thisproverb concerning the Landoflrrael, faying, theFathers have eaten rower Grapes, and the children teeth arefet on edge? As I live faith. the Lord, &c. It is theufeofa Proverbconcerning the Landof ifrael, that God is decrying and difproving the truthofthe Proverb it felfe under confideration,and that Fffa this