Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

C.XVII. EMeb.18. 24, 25. 404 this fhould be the ftandard and Ruleof Gods proceeding with hispeople, in the Covenantofmercy, no man that feemes to haveeither underftanding, judgement or confcience can reafonahly imagine. 3. That it is not the nature and tenour of the Covenant ofGrace, and Gods dealingwithhis chofen fecret ones, his Saints, true Believers, as to their eternal' condition,which in thefe words is intended, but the manifeftation of the RighteoufnefifeofGod irídealing with that people oftheJewes, in ape- culiar difpenfationofhis providence, towards the bodyofthat people, and the Nation in generali, appearesfartherfrom the occafion of thewords, and theprovocation given the Lord to make ufe ofthefe expreffions unto them. The proverbethat Godcuts out oftheir lipsand mouthes, by the (word of his Righteoufnefie in thefe words; was concerning the Land of Ifrael: Ufed perhaps moftly by them in captivity : but it was concerning the Lakdofif- rael, not concerning the Eternall fiate and condition of the Saints ofGod, but concerning the Landofifrael, v. 2. God had of old given that Land to that people by Promife , and continued them in it for many Generations ; untill at length for their wickedneffe-, Idolatry, ,Abomination and oblti- nacy in theirevill wayes, he caufed them to becarryed captive untoBabylon. In that Captivity the Lord revenged upon them not only the finnes of theprefent Generation, but as he told them alfothofe oftheir fore-Fathers, efpecially the Abomination,Cruelty, Idolatry exercifed in the dayes of Ma- naffeh, taking this feafon for his workeof vengeance in the Generations fol- lowing, who allo fofarre walked in the ftepsof their fore- Fathers, as toJuttify all Gods proceedings againft them ; Beingwafted and removed from their owne Land, by the RighteousJudgement of God, they confidered theLand ofIfrael, that was Promifed to them (though upon their good be- haviour therein) and how infteadofa plentiful enjoyment ofall thingsin peace and quietnefie therein, there were now a fmail remnant in captivity, the refs, the farregreateft part, being deflroyed by the (word andfamine in that Land. In this fiate and condition, being as all other ofthdr frame and principle, prone to juflify themfelves, they had hatched a proverb among themfelves concerning the Landof ifrael promrfed to them, excedinglyoppro- brious and reproachfull to the Jufticeof God, inhis dealings with them; The fumme of the intendment of this laying that was growne rife amongft them, was, that for the finne of their fore-Fathers, many, yea the greateft part ofthemwas (lain in theLand ofIfrael, and the ,eft car- ried from it intobondage and captivity. To vindicate the Righteoufnefle and equityofhis wayes, the impartiallity of his Judgements, the Lord re- counts to themby his Prophet many oftheir finnes, whereof themfelves with their Fathers were guilty, in the Landoftheir nativity, and for which he had brought all that calamity and defolation upon them, whereof they did complaine : confirming under many fuppofalls of riling and falling, that principleofrifing and falling,that principlehelavddowne in the entranceof his dealings with them, that every one ofthem fuffered for his own iniquity, whatever they fuffered,whetherdeath or other banifhment, and not for the finnesoftheirfore Fathers: Whatever influence they might have upon the procuringofthe generalivengeance,that overtooke thewhole Nation in the midft oftheiriniquity. This being-the aime, fcope,and tendencyof the place, the import of the words and tenour ofGods intendment in them, I cannot but nder how any manofunderftanding and Confcience, can once ima- gitxéh'at God bath given any Teftimony to the poffibiltyof fallingout of Covenant withhim,ofthofe whom he hath taken nigh tohimfelfe through theBlondofhisSonne, in the Everlafting bond thereof. As though it were any