Ofthe comminution ofthe words, fháddie. CA P. XVII. incorruptibleCrowne which hefought by thatfevere hand, whichhe füll held over himfelfe,to obtain. Anf. The fcopeofthe place was before tnanifefted, in anfwer to its de- pendanceon thewhole difcourfeforegoing,from v. 19. where theApoftle en- ters upon the relationofhis deportment, in theworke andfervice of the Go. fpell, with a particular eye tohis carriage therein, as tohis ufe; or forbearance ofthe allowanceoftemporal/ things, from them to whom he Preached, which was due tohim, by all right, whereby any claimeinany kind whatever, may be puriued, together with the expreffe inftitutionofthe Lord JefusChrift, by him before laid downe. In this courfe he behaved himfelfe with wifdome, zeale anddiligence , having manygloriousaimes inhiseye, as alto being full ofa fence ofthe duty incumbenton him (v. 6.) towhofe performance he was conítrainedby theLaw ofJefus Chrift, as he alto here exprefles. Among other things that provokedhim to, and fupported him inhis hard labour and travaile, was, the Love hebare to theGofpell, and that he might have with others fellowfhip in the propagation and declaration of the glorious meffage thereof. Thisis his intendment v. 23. 90 né &c.For theGofpells fake,or the love hebare to it,he defired with others to be partaker ofit;that is,ofthe ex- cellent workeof preachingofit;for of the benefit ofthe Gofpell he might have binpartakerwith other Believers,though he had never bin fet a part to its promulgation. In his whole Difcourfe he (till fpeaks accommodately tohis bufineffe in hands for the defcribingofhis worke ofApoftIefhip in preaching the glorious Gofpell ofJefusChrift; andas to the end of this worke, heac- quaintsus that therewas propofed before him the incorruptible Crownofhis Matters approbation, (uponhis lawful! running and¡hiving in the way of the miniftry,whereto he was called) the peculiar Glory ofthem, wliom he is plea- fed to imploy in this fervice5 and though,thecaufe ofhisfightingat that rate, ashedid,was not wholly thefeareof non -approbation in that worke, a ne- cefty ofdutybeing incumbent on him, which he was to difcharge, yet he that knowes how tovalue the crowneofapprobation fromChrift, the holy Angels and the Church, ofhavingFaithfully difcharged theoffice ofa steward in difpen(ìng the things ofGod, will think it fufficiently effe6tuall to ftirre up any one to the utmoft expence ofLove, painesand diligence that he may not come fhort ofit And ofMr Goodwins proofe this is the dine. His next is from Heb. 6. 4, 5, 6, 7. with Chap: to. 26, 27. which hebrings in attendedwith the enfuing Difcourfe, Se&. 18. The nextpaffage we(hall infift npon to evince the poffibility ofa finall defeElion in the Saints,openeth itfelfe in there words. For it is impoliblefor thofe who were once enlightned,and have tailedofthe Heavenly guift, and were made partakers o f theHoly Ghoft, and havetailedofthegood Word ofGod, and thepowers ofthe world to come, ifthey(hallfallaway, to renew them again unto repentance,fee- ing they crucify to themfelves theSonne of God afrefh, and put him toanopen fhame. For the earth, which drinleth in the raine, that cometh oft upon it,and bringeth forth herbes meet for them by whom it is dreffed, receiveth biding from God. But that which beareth thornsand briers, is rejeEled and is nighunto curling, whofe end is tobe burned. Anfwerable hereunto is another in the fame Epiftle. For ifweefinwilfully afterwe have received the knowledge of the truth, thereremaineth no more Sacrificeforfirmes, but a certaine fearefull lookingfor of judgement andfiery indignation, whichfball devour theAdverfaryes. ,1:7e that de- fpifedMofesLaw dyedwithout mercy under two orthree witnefles. Ofhowmuch forer punifbment,fuppofeye, fball he be thought worthy,whohath troden underfoot the SonofGod, and bath counted theBlond of the Covenant where withhewas Sanilifyed anunholy thing, andbathdone defpight unto the Spirit ofGrace.. Evi- H h h 3 den 421 Q. 26,