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dieb.6.4,5,6. ch: io.a8.29.confidercd. CAP. XVII. defcribed in innumerable other pláces ofScripture: that thePerlons defcribed 427 are,calledaccording to thepurpofe ofGod,quickened,borne againe or regenerated, :uilifyed, united to Chrift, sanelifyedbythe spirit, adopted, madefonnes ofGod, and the like,which are the ufuallexpreffons ofBelievers pointing out their difcriminating forme as fuch, is not in the leaft intimated in the Text, Con - textor anyconcernement of it. That they are eleJed ofGod, Redeemed of Chrift, SanCtifyedby theSpirit, that they are made Holy, is not at all affir- med. 3. The perfonsintended arev. 8. ch. 6. compared to the groundupon which the rainefalls, andbeareth thorns andbriers. True Believers whilft they are fo, are not filch as do bring forth nothing but thornes and briers; Faith it felfebeing anHerbe meetforhim by whom they aredreffed. 4. Things that accompanySalvation, arebetter things, than any in the per- Ions mentionedwere to be found. This the Apoftle affertsv 9. we areperfora,. ded better thingsofyou, andthings that accompany Salvation. Now neither of theCe,either betterthings,or things that accompanySalvation were upon them wvhofeApoftacy the Apoftle fuppofeth. The exceptiveparticle at the ent- rance, with the Apologeticalldefigneofthe whole verfe, afcribes fuch things to the Saints,towhom theApoftle fpeakes,as they werenot partakers of con- cerning whom he had immediately before difcourfed.TheFaith ofGodsEl.e&, wherebyweare Juftifyed, is doubtleffe of the things that accompanysalva- tion. 5. The perfonsintended by the Apoftle, were fuch, as hadneed tobe taught againethefrfiprinciples ofthe oraclesof God, Chap. 5. v. 1 a, that were nnsl¿illfull ina wordofRighteoufneffe v./ 5.that had not their fences exereifedto difcernegoodand evill v. 14. and are plainely diftinguifhed from them, to whom the Promi a made to Abrahamdoth properly belong. Chap. 6. 9,1o, II,Ia,13,14, &c. 6. TrueBelievers areoppofed in the Difcourfe ofthe Apoftle (Chap.6.) unto thefe perfons lyingunder apoílìbility of Apoftacy, fo farre as they are caft under it, by the conditionall Difcourfe of it, upon fundry accounts. As 1. Oftheir workes and labour ofLove fbew'd to the name ofGod v. to: of their prefervation,from theRighteoufnes or FazthfulnesofGodin his Promifes, o. r 1. Ofthe mutability ofthe counfels of God, and hisOath for the preferva- tion ofthem v 13,17,18.Oftheir hire and fteedfáft anchor ofhope, v. 19. &e; Upon all which Confiderations it is abundantly evident, that they are not Believers,the ChildrenofGod, Juftifyed,Sanî#ifyed, Adopted Saints ofwhom the Apoftle treates in the paffages infifted on. Se&. 28, M. Goodwin urgesfundry reafons to prove that they arenot Hy- 4.29s pocrites,oroutfideprofeffors only, but true Believers that are defcribed. Ifby Hypocrites and outfide Profefors he intends thofe who are groffely fo, pretending to be what they are not, and what they know themfelves not to be , we contend not about it: if by thofe expreffions he comprifeth alto thofe whom we charallerized in the entrance of this Dif- coùrfe, whounto their profeffionof' theFaith, have altoadded thofe guifts and endowments,with the like, which we mentioned ; notwithftanding all their Advancement in light, convi&ion, joy, ufefulneffe, converfation, do .yet come (bort ofunion with Chrift, I (hall joyne iffuewith him,in theconG- Aerationof his reafons offered tobe pregnant ofproofe for the confirmation ofhisAffertion. He tells you, Se&. 28. Pag.288. I. There is no Claufe, Phrafe, or Word in eitherof theplaces, any waies cha- railerifticallor DefcriptiveofHypocrify,or Hypocrites,there are none ofthofe co- I 1 i lours