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C A r.XVII. Heb 6.4, f, 6. Heb. io. 18,19. what perfons intended . 432 expreffinghis dedicating and feparating himfelfe to his objettion;andmore in- ?--- fiances maybe had,ifwe ftood in any needofthem. Thirdly that many are faid to be fan&ifyed and holy in the latter fence, as it fignifyeth fpirituall purity, in refpe& oftheir profefficn ofthemfelves fo to be, and fome mens efteem ofthem, who yet were never wholly, and truly purged from their (inne, nor ever had received the holySpirit ofPromfe, who alone is able topurge their hearts, doth not now, want its demonitration, that work hath been fome whiles lince performed. So that Mr G. makes not any progreffeat all,in the proofeof what hehas undertaken viz. that they are trueBelievers in thefence of that denomination whicirwe affërt, who in thefe placesare defcribed.Fora clofe,., W ;044s.. is far more properly referred to Chrift,than to theperfons fpoken of and that fence the Remonfirants them- felvesdo not oppofe. 4.33 That they are Paid (Cap. 6. 4.) tohave tufted the heavenly guift is urged in the next place (Se&.22.) to prove them true Believers ; both the ob- jelland theasare here in queftion, what ismeant by theHeavenlyguift, and what by tatting ofit. Ishall not looke intothe Text beyond the peculiarcon- cernement ofthecaufe in hand : fomewhat might beoffered for the farther clearingof the one and other. At prefent it fufficeth that bethe Heavenlypsift what it will, the perfonsof ourcomet}, are faid only to tail of it : which though abfolutely, and in it felfe, it is not anextenuating expreflion, but de- notes a matter ofhighaggravation of the finne ofApoRacy, in that they were admitted to fome tuft and relifh ofthe excellency and fweetneffe oftheHea- venlyguift; yet comparatively to their feeding on it, digefting it, growing thereby, it clearely denotes their coining(hors of filch a participationof it, whodo buttuft ofit. That to taft,doth not in the firft genuine fignification in things naturall,fignifyto eat anddigefi meat, fo aswgrow by it, I fuppofe needes no proof; that in that fenceit is ufed ip the Scriptures loh. 2.9. Mat. 27.34. is byMr Goodwin confeffed, This he tells you is only, when the taft or relifb ofthings isdefired to be known: but that our Saviour taftedofthe gall and vinegerout ofa defireto know the relifii ofit , he will hardly perfwade thofe whoareaccuftomed to givenever foeafie a beliefe to his affertions. By theHeavenlyguift M.G. in thefirft place intends JefusChrifi:now if by rafting, eating and drinkingofChrift be intended as is here pleaded, Chrift him- felfewill determine thisftrife,telling us that whofoever eateth his flea] (hall be fáved John 6.3 5, 49, 50, 51, 54,. 55,56,57. So thateither to taft, is not to eate,or theythat taft cannotperifh. Three things are urged byMr- Goodwin togive proofe ofhis interpretation of thefewords ofthe Holy Ghoft: faithhe, 1. tvhatfoeveris meant by this Heavenly guift,certain is it that by tafling, is not meant anylight or fuperficiall impreon made upon the hearts or foulesof men, through the fence or apprehenfion of it , but an emphaticall, inward and effeltuous relifhandfence ofthe excellent and Heavenlyfweetneffe andplea- fantneff e ofit, oppofed to a bare [peculation or naked apprehenfion thereof. The reafon hereof, is becaufe thetoflingofthisHeavenlyguift here fpoken of, is not mentioned by the Apoftle in a may ofeafing or extenuating thefinne of thofe that fhouldfall awayfromChrift, but by way ofaggravation and exaggeration ofthe heinoufneffe andunreafonableneffe thereof, and withall more fullyto declareand affert the equitablenefféofthatfeverity in God, which ishere denounced againif thofe, that ¡hallfinne thegreat tuneof Apoftacy here fpoken of. It mull needs be much more unworthy andprovoking in thefight ofGod,for a man to turne his backe upon and renounce thofe wayes , that profefon, wherein Godhath come home to him, andanfwered the joyof his heart abundantly, then it wouldbe in cafehe had