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f C A r.XVfI. ,Pleb. 6.4, f, 6. Heb. ío. 1.8,29. Tall ofthe Heavenlyguifc 434 confine it to. I'fay i. That the word as it is applyed to spiritually, being borrowed and metaphorical!, not in its Analogie to be extended beyond ma- king triall, for ourcoming to fome knowledgeof a thing in its nature,theufe ofit in one place, cannot prefcribe to the fenceof it inanother, no More than anyother anetaphoricall expreffion whatever; but it muff in the feverall places ()fits refidence,be interpreted according to themolt peculiar rthrij - on that the matter trea tedofdoth require. If then M. G. can prove that a- ny thing in this place under confideration enforces fuch a fence, all his other inftances are needle(le: ifhecannot,they are ufeleffe. It might eafilybe manifefted, and hathbeen done by others already, that in all the places mentioned by Mr Goodwin, the word is not exprefsly fig- nificant ofany thorough,folid eating&participation ofthat whichis faid tobe tatted, as is pretended. But tomanifeft this is not our concernment; there being no reafon in the world to enforce any fuch fenceas is contended for in theplaceunder prefent confideration. 3. To the thirdwherein he argues with his predecefforsfrom our opinion concerning Faith, abriefereply will fuffice : That afaint, make perception andrelifhof heavenly things, is fuffcient tomake a mana Believer, is fo farre from being our opinion , that we utterly difclaïmethem from being Belie- vers towhom this is afcribed, ifnothing elfebe added in their defcription, from whencethey may befo etteemed. It istrue, Faithis fornetimes little, and weakein the exercife Ofit,yea aman may be fo overtaken withTemptations,, or fo clouded under defertions, as that it may not deport It (elfewith any fuch confiderable vigour, as tobeconflatory tohim inwhom it is, or demon- ftrative ofhim unto others to be what he is: but we fay that the weakeft, loweft, meáneft meafure and degree of this Faith, is yet grounded. and fixed in the heart, where though it be not allwayes alike lively, and alive, yet it is allwayes alive, andgives life. How farreBelievers may fall into' the guilt of enormous courfes, has been already manifefted. The intendment ofthe ex- prefiion,is.to difadvantage theperfwafion he oppofeth. We do not grant that believers may fall into any enormityes , but only what God himfelfe affirmes they may, &yet not utterly be call out of his Love& favour in .Jefus Chrift. Farther theweakeft Faith,ofwhich we affirme that it may be trueand raving, though it mayhave no great perceptionnor déepe tailofHeavenly things for theprefent, yet hath it allwayes that, of adherenceto God in Chriff, which is exceedingly exalted above any fuchpreceptionofHeavenly things whatever, that may behad or obtained without it: fo That from the confideration of what hathbeen fpoken, wemay fafely conclude, that M. G. hath not been able to advance on fteppe in his intendment, to prove, that theperfons here defcribed aretrueBelievers. 9.34. I knowno fufflcient ground or reafon to induce me toany large confidera- tion oftheother two or three expreflions that rernaine,& that are infifled on by M.G.feeing it is evident from their affociats,which have been already exa- 'mined that there is none ofthem can (peak one word to thebufineffe inhand: {hall therefore difcharge them from any farther attendance, in the fervice they have been forced unto. Thenext priviledge infifted on which to thefe perfons is afcribed, is, that theyare madepartakersoftheHoly Ghof' . In mens participation of the Holy Ghofl, either theguiftsorGrace's of the Holy Ghoft are intended. TheGraces ofthe Holy Choi}, are either more common and inchoative,orfpeciall and corn- pleating ofthe workeofconverfion: that it is the peculiar regenerating Graceof God, that is intended in this expreflion, ofbeing made partakersofthe Holy Ghoft, andnot the guilts ofthe Spirit, or thofe common graces ofilluemnati- ora