What progres man notreallyRegen.may make inthe thingsofGodC. XVII! on, unto which perfons not truly converted, but only wrought upon by an effe&uall cons&ion in the preaching of the word, mayattain; M: G: isnoway able toprove: And there isalto this confideration riling upwith ftrength and power, againft that interpretation; viz. that thofe that are fo made partakers of the Spirit as to beregenerated, quickned, fealed, comfor- ted thereby, which are fomeofthe peculiar asofhis Grace, in and towards the foules ofthofe that Believe, can never lode him, nor be deprivedof him,as was manifeftedbefore at large,being fealed and confirtned,not only in the prefent enjoyment ofthe Love and favour ofGod, but alto unto the full fruition ofthe Glory, which is provided for them, and therefore cannot fall away, as thefe are fuppofed todo, What there is in Mr Goodwin Difcourfe, on this paffageSe&.23,24, toweaken in the leafs what is ufually anfwered,or farther to enforcehis expofition oftheplace; I am not able to apprehendand (hall therefore proceedwith what remaineth. All that followes in theplaceofthe Apoftle underconteft, is regulated by $5. 35. the word, Taft: they have tailedof thegoodword ofGod, andthe powers ofthe World to come: what the fence and importance ofthat word is, hath been al- ready declared:neither can it beproved, that theperlons here defcribed, doe fo raft ofthe goodwordofGod,as tomix the protnifesofit with Faith,or ofthe powers ofthe worldto come, as to receive them,in power in their hearts by believing fo that farther conteftabout there words feetnes to be altogether needleffe. . How farre men may proceed in the wayes ofGod , what progreffe they may make in amendment oflife, what gifts and commongraces they may re- ceive, what light and knowledge they may be indued withall , what kind of Faith, Joy, Repentance, Sorrow, Delight, Love, they mayhave, inand about fpirituall things;what defire ofmercy and heaven , what ufefull gifts for the Churches edificationthey may receive , how farre they may perfwade their Own foules, and upon what grounds, that their condition Godward is good, and laving, and beget an opinion in others that they are trueBelievers, and yet comefhort of union with Chrift, building their houfes on the fand &c. is the daily taske of thePreachers ofthe Gofpell tomanifeft, in their preffrng that exhortationoftheApoftleunto their hearers, to examine and try them- felves in the middeft of their profefiìon, whether Chrift be in themofa truth orno. I hall not nowenter upon that labour; the Reader knoweswhere to find enough in the writingsofholy and learned men ofthis Nation toevince, that men may arrive at the utmoft height ofwhat is in this placeof the Apo- file by the Holy Gholt afcribed to the perlons ofwhom he fpeakes, and yet come fhort oftheRate oftrue Believers. M.G. indeed tells usSel`.27. The Premifes relatingto the twopafages yet under debate confidered, .Iamfo st: 37. fierrefrom queflioning whether the Apofilefpea es of trueandfound Believers in them, that Iverily judge, that he purpofelyfought outfeverall.ofthe moll empha- tieá!l andfgnall charafersofBelievers, yeafachwhich are hardly or rather not at all, to befound in the ordinaryfort oftrue Believers, but only in thofe that are moll eminent amongl them, thatfo heand fetch, who though found, yet were weahe in the Faith, mightfall away andperifle, but that even -Ouch all r who were lifted upnearer unto Heaven than theirfellowes,mightthrough carelefneffe and carnall- fecurity, daft themfelves inpieces againflthe famefione, & makefhipwracke . of theirJoules,aa well as they. . Aril: TheHoule built on the fand , may oftentimes be built higher, have more faire perapets and battlements, windowes and ornaments than that which is built upon the Rock: yet all guifts and priviledges, equall not one Grace,inrefpe& oflight, knowledge, guifts, and manymanifeftations ofthe K k k Spirit 435