Bevvindicated,as alto our Englifli Tranflation. CAR. XVII. in admonifbing, or cautioning men againfiuchmils, which there isnopofbility 437 for them tofall into, yeaand this known unto themfelves? Therefore thisteflimo- ny, for confirmationoftheDot-trine we tnáintaine, is likea King fnponhis Throne, againfl whom there isazo riling up. Anf. , What (mall caufeMr Goodwin hath to quarrell with Beza, or other ß. 39 Tranílatours,andwith how littleadvantage to his caufe this Text is produced !hall out of hand made appeare. t. The words as theycry are, ó a'h.,00- ¿' 45-ews óoz; %úv zrosc+n xx jv- d`ax,é+ 4v% cv ivmf. 414E' 5 ;)c. v e,rosoils its áxr levay., áN,á miçsrae its sib:44ry0ty 4,4 s. In the foregoingpart of the chapter, the Apoftle had treatedof two fortsofperfons.. I. Such as fo forfake the Affemblies of the Saints with- drew from the Church, and OrdinancesofChrift; and fo by degreesfell off with a totali and everlafting backfliding: ofthefe the Apofile fpeakes, defcri- bing their wayes and end, from v.25. untoV. 32. thenceforward. 2. He fpeaks to themand of them, who abode in their perfecutions, and under all their af- flï&ions, tohold fait their confidence; whichhe alto farther exhorts them to, that by patient abiding inwell doing, they mightreceive the reward; concerning thefe both, having told them ofthe unfhaken Kingdome ofChrift, that fhould' be brought in,.notwithftanding theApoftafy of many, of whofe iniquity Go would takevengeance on; helaies downe that eminent promife oftheGq/- fpell,the juf byFaith fhalllive,wordès oftenufed,toexpreffe the Rate&condi- tion ofBelievers, ofthofe who are truly and unfainedly fo the Lord being faithfull in his promife, thejuf ified perfonfhalllive, or obtaine life everlafting. It is the promifeofeternal' life, that is here given them , as that which they had not as yet received, but in patience they were toWaite to receive , after they had done the wholewill òfGod:that any ofthefe fhould fodraw back, as that the Lords foule fhouldhave no pleafure in them, is direly contrary to thepromife heremade oftheir living. Theparticle(4 ) in the next words, is plainly adverfative, and exceptive, as it is verymany times in the New -Te- ftament; and that as to the Perlons of whom he is "fpeaking : at , the period is full, the defcription of the Rate ofthe juft by Faith is compleated, and in thenext words, the Rate ofbackíliders is entred upon: iaz wuonfan, referring tothem, whom by their Apoftafy, and fubdu&ion of themfelves from Chriftian affemblies he had before defçribed : there is an elleipfis in the words tobe fupplied, but force indefinite terme, to give them the fence in- tended: this Beza and our tranflators have done by that excepted again ft caufeleffely by M.G. for if a Tranflator may make the Text fpeake fignifi- cantly in the language whereunto he tranflates it, the introdu&ion offuch füpplements is allowed him. 2. Thefollowing expreffion puts it outofall queftion , that this was the . intendment oftheApoftle; for heexpreffely makesmention , and that in re- ference towhat was fpoken before, of two forts ofpeople, towhom his for- mer expreffions are refpe&ively to be accommodated, thewordsare ;gas 5 &w, as above. M. Goodwin tomakeus believe,that he took noticeofthefe words, bath this pafage ofthem,Cas it h alfa expounded,in the words immediately fol- lowing, but we are not (Ahemwho draw back to perdition but &c.) but what !pray is expounded in thefewords; that drawers back (hallbe defiroyed? this is all he takes noticeof in them; Evidently the words are anapplication of the former affertions unto feverall perlons : thereare faies he tome who are e iucr?> ús, andforce that are »t was: thofe faith hewhoare t soznc . they fhall be deftroyed, thofe who areq' was, they !hall live ; Evidently and be- yond all contradi&ion, aflìgninghis former affertions 'of, the full fhallliveby Faith, and, ifany man/hall drawbath, to feverall perlons , by a diftribution; K k k 2 of