Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

e a r. XVII. The words ofthe Text elfe&uall toprove theSaints Perfev. 438 oftheir lot and portions to them: in v. 28. he layes downe in Thefi the flare and condition ofbelievers and backsliders: in v:29. he makes application of thepofition he laid downe tohimfelfe and them, r. negatively that they were not ofthe former fort of them that drawback, &c. 2. Poftively, that they were ofthe reff ofthem that believed, and thofe expreflionsv. 29. xK , - çoAñs, Axel 9164K, doeundeniably affirmetwo fortsof perfons inboth places to be fpokenof& that ids%zoce),ni i can by no meaner be referred to our J i&y whichwould entermixe them, whom theApoffleas to their prefent ffate.and futurecondition, held out in a contradiffin&ion one to the other unto the end: All that enfues in M. Goodwin: difcourfe , being built upon this fandy foundation, that it is the Believer, ofwhom God affirmes thathe !hall live by Faith, who is fuppofed tobe i' <2roso.ñs, contrary to the expreffe affertion of theApoffle, it needsnofartherconfideration, although he isnot able to ma- nifeff any ffrength in conclufion drawn from fuppofitions, of events , which maybepoffible in one fence, and in another impoffble. 4.40. But before wepaffe further, may not this witneffe which Mr Goodwinhath attempted in vaine to fuborne toappeare, and fpeakeinhis caufe, be deman- ded what he can fpeake, or what heknowes of the truth, of thatwhich he is producedto oppofe. This then it confeffeth and denyeth not, at firff word, that of profeffours there are two forts : fome are ;zrosoañs, offilch as doeor may draw back unto perdition; fouie ,, los, which believe to the faving of the foule, and thatinoppofition to the others : Alfo , that thofewho with - draw are not mrsems, not true Believers, nor ever were, notwithffanding all their profeffion and what thèir guifts, and attainments, in and under their profeflion: So thattheTeffimony produced, keepeth ffill its place,and is as a Kingupon hisThrone againff whom there is no riling up, but yet fpeaks quite contrary,clearly, evidently, diffinCtly to what is pretended ;both on the one hand & the other,is our theirs undeniably confirmed,iu this place ofthe Apo- ffleIfall thofe who fall away to perdition were never truly nor really of the Faith,then thofe who are ofthe Faith canot fall away; but they who fall away to perdition, were never truly nor really ofthe Faith, or trueBelievers:Ergo. The reafon ofthe confequent ofthe firff propofition is evident : fortheir not beingoftheFaith,is plainly includedas the Reafonof their Apoffacy,& their beingoftheFaith, intimated as that which would have preferved them from fuch defe&ton; theMinor is the Apoffles, we arenot;amsoans ofthem that draw back, but of them that believe, which plainely diffinguifheth them that draw back, from Believers;AgaineWillie Believers {hall live, and continue to the fa-. ving oftheir foules, inoppofition to them that fall away toperdition, then they (hall certainly perfevere in their Faith: for thefe two arebut one& the fame:but that true Believers (hall live,& believe,to the favingoftheir foules, in oppofition to them thatdraw back, or fubduet themfelves to perdition, is the affection of theHoly Choff: Ergo: I prefume by thistime Mr Goodwin is plainly convinced that indeed he had as good, yea andmuch better,for the Advantageofhis caufe in hand,have lethis witneffe have abode inquietnefle, and not entreatedhim fo feverely todenounce judgment againff that Do- &rine which he feekesby him to confirme. 4, 41. Se&:32.theparableofthe ( cony,groundMat.!3.20,2rcomes next toconfide- rationahewords chofen to be infiffed on are in the verfes mentioned , but he that receivedthe reed into flonyplaces,i:l:e that heareth theWord,&anon withjoy receiveth it, yet pathhenot root in himfelfe, butduretbfora while &c. That by the ffony ground is meant trueBelievers, is that which Mr Goodwin under- takes to prove: but how in his whole Difcourfe, Iprofeffe I perceive not : I mutt take leave toprofeffe that I cannot finde any thing looking like aproofe or