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C A r.XV11.Mr G's Arguings from the z Pet.4, i8,1g,ro,zyz; confidered. 44.2 juftly delineated to the eye, by the pralice of men in the world, to whom the Gofpell is preached,that I do not a little wonder how any man excercifed in the Miniftry, fhould once fürmife that they are true Believers ofwhom he here treates; Taking the words in the fence wherein they are commonly received , And in the utmoft extent, who fees them not dayly exemplyfyed, in and upon them, who are yet far enough from the FaithofGods Elect. By thedifpenfation ofthe Word, efpecially when mannaged by a fkilfull Ma- iler ofaffemblyes, men are every day fo brought under the power, of their conviftions, and the light communicated tothem, as to acknowledge the truth and powerof Word, and in obedience thereunto, to leave off, a- void and abhor the wayesand comics wherein_the'men ofthe world, either not hearing the Wordat all, or not fo wrought upon by it, do pollute themfelves and wallow with all manner offenfuality; and yet arenot chan- ged in their natures,fo as to become new creatures, but continue indeed, and in the fightof God,doggsandfwine,oftentimes returning to their vomit andmire, thoughfomeof them-hold out in the profeffions to the end; And thefe are they, whom commonly our Divines have deciphered under thename offor- malifis,havingaformeofGodlineffè but denying the power ofit, who are here all atonce by MrGoodwin interefted in Chrift, and the inheritance ofthe Saints in light; Tomakegood his enterprifehe argues from the Remonfirants. Se6t.4o. pag. 297. 0. 46. I. If the faid expreffions import frothing but what. Hypocrites and that in fenfn compofto, i.e. whilefi Hypocrites, are capable of, then may thofe be Hypo- crites, who areSeparatedfrommen that live in erreur; and from the pollutions of the World, and that through theknowledge of le fitsChrift :. and on the otherhand thofemay be Saints, andfoundBelievers, who wallow in allnnanner offzlthine/fe, anddefile themfelves daily with thepollutions of theWorld. This confequence ac- cordingto the principles, and known Tenetsofour Adverfaries is legitimate and true, in as much as they hold that true Believersmayfall lofoule, andfofar, that the Church, according to Chrifts.inflitutionmay be confrained to teflify that they cannot beare them in theiroutward communion,and that they fhall have nopart in the kingdomeofChrifl, except they repent &c. Ent whether this be mholefome andfound Divinity,.or no, to teach that they, who arefeparáte from fanners, and live holily, andblamelefsly in this prefent world; and this by meaner oftheknow- ledge ofjefus Chrif, may he Hypocritesand children ofperdition,and they on the other handwho arecompanions withTheeves, Martherers, Adulterers&c. Saints andfoundBelievers; I leave to men wholejudgements are not turnedupfade down withprejudiceto determine. a. Sundry things might be obferved from the Text , to render this dif courfe altogether ufeleffe, as to theend for which it is produced: as s. That fundrycopies v.13. inftead of Aas read 8s.f),P, who almoft, or a littleway, or meafute, fo efcaped.as is Paid. 2. That it is not Paid, that thofe whoare fo efcaped, may Apoftatize; it is Paid indeed , that the falfe Prophets and tea- chers, hi,e/C.on, do lay bakes for them, as the Fifher doth for the fifh that ha would take, by propofingunto them a liberty , as toall manner of impurity anduncleaneffe, but that infodoing , they prevaile overahem , is not affir- med. 3. Theconditional) expreffion v.2o. may be ufed in reference to the falfeProphets, and not to them that are faid to efcape the pollutions ofthe World; and ifto them, that nothingcan be argued from thence, hath plenti- fully upon feverall occafions'beenalreadydemonftrated : but to Puffer M.G: to leapoverall thefe blots in his entrance, and to take the words in his own fence and connexion; I fay; z. In what large and improperfence, fuch.perfons as we treat of, are ter- med