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Apoílafy oftruebelievers impoflïble. CALI. 4:a4.xS.ì6. touch ms not, not tocommit finne, tobe kept by the power ofGod through faith 15 untofálvation, to Hand fail as mount Syon thatcan never be removed, toftandby , toh.s.rq. faith, toRandTaft in thefaith, toRandfaft in the Lord, to have the goodwork 3.9. begun,perfetled: to holdour profeffion, that none take our crown. Thefe ( I fay) áomt iao. and the like, are fomeofthofeexpreffions whereby the holy Ghoul holds forth , cora6.,3, that dottrine which we have inhand, which is ufually called the Perfeverance Phil. 4.1. ofsaints, regarding principally their abiding with God, through Chrifl in P47.i .tai faith and obedience, whichyet is butone part ofthis truth. 14, The reafons & caufes invefling this propofition,that saintsfuchas we have 4.39 defcribed,íhall fo Perfevere, with a neceflityofconfeqúence, and on which the Ghi.2.20. truth ofit doth depend, both negatively confidered, and pofitively, with the i Thet 5.24 limitationofPerfeverance, what itdirectly afi'erts, what pot, with what fail - , Tim. 2.12. ing; backtliding, & declenfions on the one hand,andother,it is confiftent, and :.Per" 2,3' what is deflru&ive ofthe nature and beingofit, thedifference ofit, as to be-' I Io 1.2.19, ing and apprehenfion, in refpe& the fubje& inwhom it is , with the way and 27&e. manner whereby thecaufes of this Perfeverance have their operationon, and ß 24. effect in them that perfevere, not in the leaft prejudicing their liberty, but e- ilablifhing them in their voluntary obedience, will afterwardsbe fullyclea- red, And hereon depends much ofthe life and vigor oftheDo&rine we have in hand : it being oftner in the Scripture held forth in its fountaines,and fprings and caufes, then in the thing it felfe, aswill upon examination ap- peare. As to what is on the other fide affirmed,that Believers mayfall totally,&fi- 4. 25 rally away,fomethingmaybe added tocleare upwhat is intended thereby,& z Ezek: 36. toenquire howit may come to paffe. We doe fuppofe(which the ffripture a- Its: s9.zr. bundantly teftifieth) that fuch believers have (a) the holy spirit dwelling in Luk i i.3. them,& byhis implanting a(b)new holy habit ofGrace: the enquiry then is how Rom.E:. i t r, believers may comeutterly to loofe this holyfpirit, & tobe made nakedofthe t 5. habit ofGrace,ornewnature beftowed on them.That and that onlywhereunto¿ 4'6. 12. this effect is afcribed is finne. Now there are two wayes whereby finnemay , Tim: i.14. be fuppofed to produce fuch effe&s in reference to theSoules ofBelievers. iom: s.s. Y. Efficiently by a rea&ion in the fame fubjeer, as frequent a&s of Vice will i h:14?x6 debilitate and overthrow anacquired habit whereunto it is oppofite. ?, Me- 17. ritorioufly, by provoking the Lord to take them away, In a way of punifh- i, Có 3,16. ment;for of all punifhment finne is the morally procuring caufe. Let us a lit- t cor:o.t9. tieconfider which ofthofewayes it may probably be fuppofed that (inne ex- b Math:t 2. pellesthe fpirit,and habit of grace from the foules ofBelievers. 33 2 COr:5.17. i. For the (ßirit ofgrace which dwells in them, it cannot with the lean co. 2 Pet: r.4: lour ofreafonbe fuppofed, thatfinnefhould have anaturali efficientreaction ca:5 ' 2, 3: againft the fpirit which is avoluntary indweller in the hearts ofhis, he isin- hef.4. 23, deed grieved and provokedby it, but that is in a moraliway.in ref'pe&of its Ephet. 4.30. demerit; but that itIhould have anaturali efficiency by the way ofoppofìti- Heb.4.12,11. onagainflit, as Intemperanceagainft the Mediocrity which itoppofeth,isa 10.63.10. madneffe to imagine. Thehabit ofGracewherewith fuch believers are indued ,isinfufed: not ac- 4,s6. quired by a frequency ofA&sin themfelves: the root is made good and then thefruit,and the work ofGod. It is a newCreation planted in them by the exceeding,greatneffeofhis Power,as-hewrought inChri(t when he raifed himfrom the dead,which he alfo ftrengthenswith all might,and all power to the end. Is it now fuppofed,or can it rationallybe fo, that vitious a&s, aéls of (inne, fhould havein the foule a natural/ e aiencyfortheexpellingofan infufed habit, and co1.2.,2. that implanted upon the foule by the exceeding greatneffe of thepower of God? 2 cor. 5. 17. What it shouldbe done by any one,or twoaCts is impoffible;to fuppofethat a Ephef. r. ,9. man cot. t., t. rr