Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

CP. , I, 4;;4. 'The DoarineoiPerfeverance howbyMrQ.ropofed. 18 Chriff, did everlb difmember, disfigure, defile, wreft, andpervert that which he oppofed, as Mr Goodwin bath done the DoEirineof Perfeverance whichhe bath undertaken to deffroy; Me thinks a man fhould not be much delighted in calling filth and dung uponhis Adverfary, before hebegin to graillewit h .him; In one word, this being the account hegives us ofit, ifhe be able to name oneAuthor, ancient or moderne, any onefober perfonofold, or oflate, that ever fpent a pen full oflnke, or once opened his mouth in the defence ofthat Perfeveranceofsaints,or rather profane walking ofdogs and fwine, which he bath ftated,pot in thewords,and termes, but fo much as to the mat ter,or purpofe here iiitimated by him; and it fhall be accepted as a juft de- fenfative againft theCrime, whichwe are inforced to charge in this particu- lar, and whichotherwife will not eafily be warded. Ifthis be the Doetrine, whichwith fogreat an indeavour, and a Contributionof fomuch Paine s and Rhetorique he feeks tooppofe,l know not any that will thinke it worth while; to interpole in this fierce conteft between him and his man offtraw. Neither can it with the leaft colour ofTruth bepretended,that thefeareConfequences; which heurgeth the Doarine he oppofeth withal], andnot his Apprehenfions ofthe Doctrine itfelfe. For neither dothhe in any place inhis whole Treatife, .hold it out in any other fhape, but is uniforme,and confiant to himfelfe, in expreffing his notionofit; nor Both he indeed almoft ufe any Argument a- gainft it,but thofe that fuppofe this to be the true ftateoftheCötroverfy,which he bathpropofed. But whether this indeed be the Do&rine ofthe Perfeve- ranceofSaints, which Mr Goodwin fo importunately cryes out againft, upon a briefe confideration offome ofthe particulars. mentioned, will quickly ap- peare. 3Æ= Firftthen,doth this Doetrineproraifewith height ofAffurance, that under what loofiieJji;orvile practicesfoevermen doe live, theyfhall have.Exemption from punifbment?wherein I pray?inthat itpromifeth theSaints ofGod, that through his Grace they fhall be preferved from fuch loofeneffe and evill practifes, as PfaL23.6. would expofe them toEternall punifhment? Doti it teach men, that it is vain Jerem.3i33 to ufe the meanes ofmortification becaufe, theyfhall certainly attaine theend,whe-. a c01.10.13 ther theyu(e the meanes Or no? Or may you not as well fay, that the Do&rine you oppofe is, that all menfhallbe lived whether they believe or no, with thole other comfortable and chearing affociate do&rines you mention ? Or is this i Pet. i.5 a KegularEmergencyof thatDo&rine whichteaches,that there isno attaining the End,but by the meaner, betweenwhich there is fuch a Concatenation by Divine appointment, that they {hall not be feparated ? Doth it fßeake peace to theflefb,in*tranceofEleffèd Immortality, though it difßort itfelfe in allfol- ly in the meine time ? Doe the Teachers ofit, expreffe any filch thing? Doth any fuch Abomination iffue from their Arguings in the defence thereof? Or doth the Do&rine which teaches Believers (Saints who have tafted of the love, and pardoning mercy ofGod, and are taught to valew it ínfinit- ly above all the world.) that fuch is the Love,and goodwill ofGod towards Ephef. 2. Io, them,in the Covenant ofmercy in the blood ofChri fl, that having appointed 2 cor.3. 5 Good works for them towalke in, for_which of themfelves they are infu f ici- ent,hewill gracioully continue to them fuch fupplyes ofhis Spirit, and Grace, as that they fhall never depart 'From following after him, in wayes ofColpell Obedience ? Doth this I fay incourage anyof them to continue in finite that this Gracemay abound ?Or are any Do&rines ofthe Gofpell tobe meafitred by the rules,and linesofthe ufe,or abufe that thefie/his apt to makeofthem? Orrather by their fuitableneffe to the Divine nature, whereof the Saints are made partakers, and fervicableneffe to their carrying on to perfe&ión in that Attainment?Or is this an Argument ofvalidity againft anEvangelicall Truth, that