MG'$ GroundofSts Perfeveranceexamined. CAP. T. 4i 40. i. Firft, it is all along Magnificently fuppofed, that there is the faine Power 25 and Ability in a Rationall Inlightenedman to Deliberate and Concludeof things in reference unto the Pradicall Conditionof his Spiritual) Eftate, as there is ofhis Natural!, and that this Ability is conftantly refident with him to make ufeofupon all occafions, what ever our Saviour lay to thecon- trary viz.That without him we can doenothing. 7oh. i 5.5. 2. Secondly, (tomake way for that,) that fuch a one is able to know, ri. 119.144. and todefire the thingsofhis Peace in a Sprirituall and ufefull manner, not- r CO2. r. r4. withstanding the vanityof thofe many feemingly fervent Prayers of the Saints in the Scripture, that Godwould give them underftanding in thefe things,and his manifold Promifes ofthat Grace. 3. Thirdly,thatupon fuchdeliberations men are put into a capacityand li- berty, or are inabled toworke themfelves towhat ftrength or degreeofde- fireand inclination towards that Good confidered,they pleafe, and according as the good is, that men apprehend, (as abidingwith God is the greateft Goód) fuch will be the ftrengh and the vigour and power of their in- clinations thereto. That they have a Lam in their members, rebelling againß the Rom. 9.:8,9; Lawoftheir minds,& leading them captiveunder the Lawoffinne,needs not to iqu,&c. be taken notice of. Thisfnfficiency it feemes is of themfelves: He was a weake 2 cor.3.5, unfkilfull man, whofuppofed that ofour felves we couldnot think a good thought,feeing weare fuch perfe& Lords and Matters of all good thoughts and a&ings whatever. 4. Fourthly, the whole fumìne ofthis Difeourfe of the means afforded Believers to finable themtoPerfevere, amounts to this, that being rationall men, theymay, Firft confider that fonte kinds of finites will deftroy them, and feparate them from God, and that by obedience they shall come to the Greateft Good Imaginable , where upon it is in their Power fo strong- ly to incline their heartsuntoObedience, that they !hall be in nomore dans get ofdeparting fromGod, then a Wife and Rationall man is of killing or willfully destroying himfelfe: The firftpart whereofmaybeperformed by them who are no Saints; the latter not by any Saint whatfoever. And is not this noble Provifion for the Security and Affurance of the Saints, enough to make them cast away with fpeed all their intereft in theunchangeablepurpofer Gracious and Faithfull Promifes of God, interceon of Chrift, Sealingofthe Spirit, and all thofeSandy and triviall fupportsoftheir Fai th, whichhither- to they have rejoyced in. And what ever experiencethey have, or. Teftimo- ny from the Word they doe recieve, oftheDarkeneße,and Weakenefe oftheir Minds, theflubborneJfeoftheir Wills,withthe ftrong inclinationsthat are in themto finneand falling away, what ever be their Oppofitions from abone Ephe(.'6. 12: them, about them, within them, on the right Hand,and on the Left,thattheyHeb.r2.r.1 have towreftle withall; let them give up them felves to the hand oftheir Rom.9. 19. ownemanlike confiderations and weighingof things, which will fecurethem againft all danger or Probability offalling away; For if theybe but capable (Firft) offeeing and knowing, (Secondly) ofpondering and confidering,and that rationally,(it matters not,whether thefe things are Fruits oftheSpiritof Grace or no, nay 'tis cleare they mutt not be fo) that fuch, and fuch evill is to be avoided, and thatthere is fo, and foGreat aGood to beobtained by continuing inobedience, they mayraifeandworke inclinations in themfelves anfwerable in ftrength,vigour, and power,to anydegree ofgoodneffe, which they apprehend, in what they feeand ponder. The whole ofthe Ample fuicient Meanes afforded by God to the §, 4, Saints to finable them to Perfevere, branching it felfe into thefe two heads, (Firft) The rational! confrdering what they have to doe, (Secondly) Their vigorous Inclination of their Hearts, to a& fuitably and anfwera- E bit