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/polo. 2 ;,28. &C. Opened. Ce PAL 0:12,15. this ye have the foundation that the Lord layes for the refrefhment of their 39 fpirits in this condition, and reducingof them into an eftablifhedAfurance ofthe continuance of his love ; and that is his free gratious Ele5ion, and choofing ofthem; thouart yacob whom ihave chofen, (verf: z. *run whom i havechofen: evenfrom Eternity, when heappointed the antient people , and the things that are comming and 'ball, come, v. 7, When he purpofed mercy for the Fathers ofold, whom long fince hehad broughtupon that account unto himfelfe: This is the foundationofdoing themgood, whichftandethfure , as the Apoffle makesufeofit to thefame purpofe: 2 Tina: 2. 19. This Founda- tionbeing laid v.3. he givesthem a twofoldpromife, fuited to the double Bate wherein theywere: (Firft) for the removall oftheir droughtand barren- neffe: hewill give themwaters, and floods, for the takingofit away: which in the followingwords, he interpreteth ofthe spirit, as likewife doth the Apo- stle iohn 7. 39. He isthe great Soule Refrefher, in him are all our fprings. Saith theLord then, feare not you Poore thirftySmiles, you shall have him as a Flood, in great abundance untill all hisFruits be brought forth inyou. (secondly) For the removall ofthe other evill, or Fearesof defertion andca- fling off,he minds themofhis Covenant, or thebiding of their of fpring , ofGena7.'; them and their feed, according tohisprornife, when he undertook tobe their God; and then (Fourthly,) there isa twofold' Iffue ofGods thus dealing with them. Firít, Ofreall Fruitfulneffe, v.4. They 'hall be asgraffe under perpetu- all íhowres, which cannot pofiibly wither and decay , or drie away, and as treesplanted by the rivers ofwater,that bringforth fruit in their feafon, whole 2n1.1.3,4. leafe doesnot wither. Secondly, OfZealous Profeffion, and owningof God, with the ingagement oftheirhearts and hands untohim, which you have in v. 5. Every one for himfelfe fhall give up himfelfe to the Lord , in the moll: folemne ingagement , and profeffed fubjedion that is pofíible; They (hall fay, andfubfcribe, and Surname themfelves, bynames and termes ofFaithand obedience , to follow the Lordin the Faith ofJacobor Ifraell in the inhe- ritanceofthe promifes which were made tohim. But nowwhat Affurance is there, that thishappy beginning (hall be carried on to perfection , that this kindneffe ofGod to them, (hall abide to the End, and that thereshall not be a feparation betweenhim and his chofen Ifrael. In theFaith hereof the Lord confirmes them, by that Revelationwhich he makesofhimfelfe and his Pro, perties, verfes 6,7,$. Firft, Inhis soveraignty, he is the King. What (hall ob- ftrudhim, bath not he power todifpofe of all things ? He is the Lord and King, hewill work, andwho (hall let him ? tut hath he kindneffe and ten- derneffe to carry himout hereunto?therefore 2'r, He is their Redeemer:& doe but confider, what he doth for the gloryof that Title, and what the Work ofRedemption flood him in, and yee will not feare, as tothis, nor be afraid; And all this hee (Thirdly) Clofeth with his Eternity, and Vnchangeablenefe3 he is the Firfl and the Left , and betides him there is none other : the Fir's that chofe them from Eternity, and the Lafl that will preferve them to the End; andRill the fame , he altereth not. I (hall not adde more inftances in this kind, that the Lordoften eftablifheth, his Saints in the Affurance of theLin- changeableneffeofhisLovetowards them, from the Immutabilityofhis own nature, is veryevident; Thence comparinghimfelfe and his Lovewith a ten- derMother, and her love, he affirmes, that hers may be altered, buthis (hall admit ofnovariableneffe norfhadowofturning, Ifai: 49. v.14.1 5,16. Towindup thisDifcourfe, thefumofthis firftpart, of outfirft Scriptural) 4.13. demonftration ofthe Truthunder Debate, amounts tothis Argument; That which God affirmes , (hall be certainely and infallibly fulfilled upon the ac- count ofthe Immutability ofhis own nature, and incourageth men toexpel it