Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

OfGod's UnçhangeabfendCe. ' CAP. II. 4:19. fpenfation towardsone and thefame Objea5 andconfequently, for him to expref himfelfe, as this day, towards a Perfon,Man or Woman, as if'he intendedto fave them, or that he really intended toPave them, and fhould on the morrow, m the alteration in the interimmay be or how ever may befuppofed in thefe Perfans, expreffé himfelfe to thecontrary, as that he verily intends to detiro), them , would not argueor imply the leafi Alteration in him. It is true,fuch Difpenfations ofGod,as are morally declarative ofwhat God approves,ofwhat he reje&s,not ingagements ofanyparticular intédment,de- figne,or purpofeof his Will,or fuchas are meerelyoutward Asof his Pow- er, mayingreat variety be fubfervient to the accomplithment ofhis Purpofe, & may undergoe (the firft, in refpe&oftheObje&g the latter,of the Works themfelves)many alterations,without prejudice to the ImmutabilityofGod. The firf} in themfelves,are everlaftinglyunchangeable;God alwaies approves the obedience ofhis Creatures, according to thatLight andknowledge, which he ispleafedtocommunicateunto them: and alway condemnes , difallowes their Rebellions; yet the fame Perlons maydoe fometimeswhat he approves,' and fometimes what he condemnes, without the leaf} fhadowof change in God. Whileft they thus change, his Purpofes concerning them, and what he will doe to them, and for them,areunchangeable as is his Law concerning Good and Evilly. For the latter, takean infiance in the cafeofPharaoh; God purpofeth the deftruftionofPharaoh, and fuites hisDifpenfations in great va- riety, and with many changes, for the bringing about, and accomplifhingof that his unchangeable Purpofe; hePlagueshim, and Frees him, he Frees him, andPlagueshim againe: all thefe things doe not in the leaf} proove anyalte- ration inGod, being all variouseffe&s of his Power, fuited to the accom- plithment ofanunchangeable Purpofe. So in refpe& ofPerfons, whom he in- tends to bring,(through Chrift,)infallibly tohimfelfe,how various arehis Di- fpenfations bothTemporali and Spirituali ? He .$lids them , and Relieves them, fends themLight and Darheneffe, Strength and ÍT%eakeneffe Forfakes andAppears to them againe, without the leaf} alteration in his thoughts, and purpofestowards them: all there things, by his infinite Wifdome, working together for their good. But now, if by Di/penfation, you underftand and comprehend alfo, the thoughtsand Purpofes of God towards any , for the bringingofthem to fuch and fuch an end, if thefe be altered, and the Lord doth change them continually, I know no reafon, whya pooreWorme ofthe Earth maynot lay an equall claime. (abfit Blafphemia) to Immutability and Unchangeablenefï'e, with him who Afferts it,ashis Effentiall Property ,and Prerogative, whereby he diftinguifheth him felfe from all Creatures what- foever. There isalto an Ambiguity in that expreflion, that God exprefeth himfelfe this daytowards a Manor Woman, that he really intends to fave them, andon the morrow exprefseth himfelfe to the contrary : If our Author intends only Gods Morallyapprobation ofDuties and Performances, as was Paid before, with the Conditionall approbationofPerfons, with refpe& to them,there being there- . in no Declaration ofany Intention, or Purpofe of God properly fo called, the infrance is not in theleaft looking toward the bufineffe, we have in hand. But ifwithall, he intend -the Purpofes and Intentions óf the will ofGod , as thofe termes really intend, andverily intend,doe import ; I know not what to tall or account Alterationand Change, ifthis benot ; furely if a man,like our felves, doereally intendonething one day, andverily intend thecleane con- trary the next day,we maymake bold to think and fay, he is Changeable;& what Apology will be found, on fuch a fuppofall, for the Immutabilityof God, doth not fall within the compaffe ofmy narrow apprehenfion ; neither G 2 is 43 Anf.