Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

To the Reader.. though this be fuck a putid calumny, filch a malicious, fal fhood:, f tick afrontlefs Lye;; as Impudence it fel f would Huth at being made an inflrument to vent and -withal extreamly ridiculous; Yet becaufe it feems, u,feful unto. the Good, End ofUniting. Proteftants, and Oppofing Popery, it bath not onely been re-- ported by fundry of the Clergy, but embraced and: divulged afo byLome of their -weak and credulous Fol- lowers, who fiem to believe that other mens Advan tage is their Religion. But when the utmot bounds oflvfodefly arepallid, nothing hut an outrage in Ly ing and Calumny, out of hopes. that fomething will, flick at f can give countenance to men in fuel), falfe Accufations. And thofe by whom they are ftrfl. wh fpered, probably underfland better than. the Non- formUts -what Influence Money, or the things which, they know how to turn into it bath into their Pro fefHion, and, act ngs in l elgioxz. It [ems- tome that fome fuch. men a are afraid, lefr the' pre, feat oppo f tion- Pnto: Popery, fhould iffrze.infuch, an eflablifhment of the Proteflánt Religion, a. that hereafter it f.Jould not be in the difpofal of any', nor in their power -to,- make a largain ofit, eitherfor their Advantage or in their Neceßity. For unle; wefhould juppo_fe fut./2 ap, defeft in common Prudence, a.. is. not, chargeable on men of Underftanding in other affairs; it: r hard to, judge that theft things can proceed from any other ground,