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( I 2 ) ed by any Church-State whatever, unlefs we enter into it and obferve it by an Aft of Obedience, with immediate re- fpet unto the Authority of Chrift, by whom it is appoint- ed, and the obfervation of it prefcribed unto us. Mat. 2,8. IS, 19, zo. Hence, 6. Unlefs men by their voluntary choice and confent, out ofa fenfe of their Duty unto the Authority of Chrift in his Inftitutions, do enter into a Church- State, they cannot by any other ways or means be fo framed into it, as to find ac- ceptancewithGod therein. z. Cor. 8. S. And the Interpo- fitions that are made, by Cullom, Tradition, theInftituti- ons and Ordinances of men, between the Confciences of them who belong, or would belong unto fuch a State, and the immediate Authority of God, is highly See Difcourfe obftrudtive of this Divine Order, and all the of Evangelical Love, pag. ss. Benefits of it : For hence it is come to pafs, that molt men, knowneither how, nor where- by, theycome to be members of this or that Church, but on- lyon this. Ground, that they were born where it did prevail . and was accepted. CHAP.