Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

('4) fore althal I deign all poflible brevity, and only to de- clare diode Principles of ruth, wherein we may fafely re- o'fertrr"F'äith aria pray , avoiding as much as much as 'Illy I can, and the fub,ea will allow, the handling of Luofe things in a way of ontroverfy with others ; yet Tome. what more than ordinary diligence , is required unto the true Bating ofthis important Concernment ofour Religion. And that which we (hall firft enquire into, is the Special Ori- ginal and Authoritative Congitution of this Church- State: Wherefore, r. The Church-State of the New Tefiament, doth not lefs relate unto, and receive force from the Light or Law of Nature then any other State of the Church whatever. Herein as unto its general Nature, its foundation is lái, What that dire&s unto may receive newEnforcements byRe- velation, but changed, or altered , or abolifhed, it cannot be. Wherefore there is no need ot any new exprefs Infiitution, of what isrequired, by that Light and Law inallChurches and Societies for theWorship ot God, but only an Application of it untoprefent Cccafions,and the prefent State ofthe Church, which hath been various. And it is meerly from a fpirit of Contention , that fome call on us or others, to produce ex- prefs 7e/limony or .Inflitution; for every Circumftance in the Prat iceofReligious Duties in the Church; and on a fuppo- fed failure herein, to conclude, that they have Power them felves to Lillitute and Ordain fuch Ceremonies as they think meet, under a Pretence of their being Circumftances of Worship : For as the Dire&ive Light of Nature, is fufl"ici- ent toguideus in there things,fo the obligation oftheChurch, unto it, makes all fatedAdditions to be ufelefs, as on other accounts they are noxious. Such things as theft are the Times and Seafons of Church Afiembiies , the Order and Decency wherein all things are tobe tranfa&ed in them, the sounding of them as unto the number of their Mehbers,and places