(I ) places ofHabitation, fo as to anfwer the ends of their Inni- tution ; the multiplication ofChurches when the number of Believers, -exceeds the Proportion capable of Edification in filch Societies; what efpecial Advantages are to be made ufe of, in theOrder and Worfhip of the Church ; filch as are Methods in Preaching, Tranflations and Tunes of Pfalms in Pinging, Continuance in publick Duties, and the like, the things themfelves being divinely initituted are capable of filch general Directions in, and by the Light ofNatúre, as may with ordinary Chrijlian Prudence, be on all occafions applied unto the Life and Pradtice of the Church. To forfake thefe Directions, and inf eadofthem, to invent ways, modes, formsand ceremonies of our own, which the things whereunto they are applied, and made ufe ofin, do no way call for, require or own ; (as it is with all humanely invent- ed, StatedCeremonies ;) and thereon by Laws and Canons to determine their precife obfervation at all times and feafons to be one and the fame, which is contrary to the verynature of the Circumfiances fuch Ads and Duties, as they are applyed unto : their ufe, in the mean time, unto thegeneral end ofedification, being as indemonflrable, as their neceffi- ty unto the Duties whereunto they are annexed is allo ; It is that which hath no warranty, either fromDivineAuthority,. or Chrifiian Prudence. This refpe& ofthe Gofpel Church-State unto the Light of Nature, the Apoffle demonflrates in his frequent Appeals unto it, in things that belongunto Church Order. I Cor. 7. 29, 33. 7. chap. 9.7. chap. I I. 14, 15',I6. chap. 14. 8, 9, I o, I I. ver. 3z, 33. ver. 40. And the like is done in fundry other places. And the Reafons ofit are evident. 2.. But fach is the efpecial Nature and condition of the Evangelical - Church-State, fuch the Relation of it unto the Perlonand Mediation ofJefus Chrift, with all things there- on depending, fuch the Nature ofthat efpecial Honour and Glory,