Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

To the Reader. ground, but a defign to encreafe diflrufls and fealou- fes among fl Proteflasts, to heighten their Differences, to exafperate and provoke them to Animofties, to the hands of each Party by a difbelief of the Sin= cerity of each other in thefame common Cau fe ; whence, whether it be deigned or no, it willfollow that we Jhall be all made a prey unto our refllefAdverfaries. For what elfe but a f lrong inclination thereto, can give the leaft Credit or deputation tofuch file infatuations, fafe Surmizes and Fables (I do not fay in the Preface but in the Ikeports that have been occafioned thereby) wherein Folly and Malice Rival one another, againft that plain, open, uncontroulable evidence, which the Non-conformiírs alwayes gave, and yet continue to give, oftheir faithful cordial adherence unto the Pro- teflant Religion, and intereft in the Nation. And what now if in way of retaliation, a charge fhould be laid and mannaged againft thole of the Ep¡copal way, that theyfhould contribute their of?iflance, whether knowingly, or being deluded, (it is all one) to the IntroduE ion ofPopery ; would not all things be call into an admirable poflure amongft ua, for an oppofìti= on thereunto ? But let none miflake nor deceive them- [elves, neither the pall Sufferings of the Non-confor- mills, nor their prefect hopes of Liberty, nor the re.. ?roaches call upon them, ¡hall (hake them in their Tve- a Jdutions