Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

Aempimi (22) abfolutely new unto them, as unto all their temporal Con. cernments of Life, Liberty , Inheritances , and Poffetii- ons, fo as that they thall hold all ofthem in dependance on, and accordingunto theRules andLaws oftheir NewGovern- ment and Kingdom, muft have thefe two things, namely, Right andTitle unto the Perfons of men, which they have by Conqueft, or an abfolute Re(ignation of all their Interefts and Concerns into their difpofal, and Authority, thereon to conftitute what Order, what kind of State, Rule and Go- vernment they pleafe; without thefe they will quickly find their Endeavours and Undertakings fruftrate. The Gofpel Church-State in the Nature of it, and in all the Laws and Conftitution of it, is abfolutely new, whereuntovall the World are naturally`.Forreigners and Strangers. A's they have, noRight unto it, as it containeth Priviledges, fo they have no obligation unto it, as it prefcribes Duties. Where- fore there is need ofboth thofe, Right, as unto the Perlons ofmen ; and Authority, as unto-the Laws andConftitution of the Church, unto the framing ofit: And until men can pretend unto thefe things both unto this Right and Authori- ty with refile& unto all the Spiritual and Eternal Concern- rnents of the Souls of others, they may do well to confider howdangerous it is to invade the Right and Inheritance of Chrift; and leave hunting after an Intereft of Power in the the framingor forming Evangelical Churches, or making of Laws for their Rule and Government. This Authority is not only afcribed unto Jefus Chrift in the Scripture, but it is enclofecd unto him, fo as that no other can have any Intereft in it. See Mat. 28. 18. Rev. 3. 7. Ifa, 9. 6,7 By vertue hereofhe is the onlyLawgiver of the Church; Jam. 4. 12. Iá. 3z. iz. There is indeed a Derivation of Power and Authority from him unto others; but it extends itfelf no farther, fave only that theyfhail dire&, teach and command thofe whomhe fends them unto, todo andobferve what