Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

( gs) were hewed, and carved, limped, formed, and guilded, the Pope appeared in the Head of it, as it were with thofé words of his mouth, Is not this great Babylon, that I have builtfor the Houfe of . the Kingdom, by the might of my Tower, and for the Honour ofmy Majefl& ? This was the fatal Event of mens invading the Right of Chrift, and claiming an In- tereft in Authority to give Laws to the Church. This therefore is abfhlutely denyed by us, namely, that any men under what pretence or name foever, have any Right or Au- thority to conftitute any new Frame,or Order ofthe Church, to make any Lawsof their own, for its Rule or Government, that fhould oblige theDifciples of Chrift in point of Confci- ence unto their obfervation. That there is nothing in this Afiertion, that fhould in the leaft impeach the Power of Ma- flrates, withReference unto the Outward, Civil, and Po- litical Concerns of the Church, or the publick Profeßïon of Religion within their Territories ; nothing that fhould take off from the juft Authority of the lawful Guides of the Church, in ordering, appointing and commanding the Ob- fervation of all things in them, according to the mind of Chrift, ¡hall be afterwards declared. In thefe things, the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our Statute-maker, the Lord is our King, he willfave w. It is then but weakly pleaded, that Peeing the Magill rate can appoint or command nothing in Religion, that God hath forhidden ; nor is there any need, that he fhould Appoint or Command, what God hath already Appointed and Com- manded ; if fo be he may not by Law command fuchthings in the Church, as before were neither Commanded nor For- Lidden, but Indifferent, which are the proper field of his Fcclefaflical, LcgiflativePower, thenhath he no Power nor Authority about Religion at all. That is, ifhe hath not the fame and a Coordinate Power with God or Chrift, he hath E none