Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

(z6) none at all. One of the belt Arguments that can be ufed for the Power of the Magiftrate, in things Ecclefiaftical, is taken from the approvedExample of the Good Kings under the Old Teflament. But they thought it honour enough unto them, and their Duty, to fee and take care, that the things which Godhad appointedand ordained, fhould be di- ligently obferved, by all thofe concerned therein, both Priefts and People, and to defiroy what God had forbidden. To appoint any thing of themfelves, to make that neceffary in the Church, and the Woríhip thereof, which God had not made fo, they never efteemed it to be in their Power, or to belong unto their Duty. When they did any thing of that Nature, and thereby made any Additions unto the outward Worfhipof God, not before commanded, they did it by im- mediate Revelation from God, and fo by Divine Authority; r Chron. z8. 19. And it is left as a brand on thofe that were wicked, not only that they commanded and made Statutes forthe Obfervation of what God had forbidden ; Mic. 6.16. but alfo that they commanded and appointed what God had aotappointed, r Kings iz. 32, 33. And it will be found at laft tobe Honour enough to the greateft Potentate under Heaven, to take care, that what Chrifl bath appointed in-his Church and Worihip, be obferved , without claiming a Power like unto that of the moft high, to give Laws unto the Church, for the Obfervation of things found out and in- vented by themfelves or other men. Of the fame nature is the other part oftheir Plea,againft this Denial ofa Legillative Tower inmen, with refpe& un- to the Conftitution of the Evangelical Church State, or the ordaining ofany thing to be obferved in it, that Chrift hath not appointed. For it is faid, that if this beallowed, as all the Dignity, Tower , and Honour of the Governours of the Church, will be rejefted or defpifed; fo all manner of Confufion, and Diforder, will be brought into the Church itfelf.