Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

To the Reader. folutions for a Conjunction with all fincere Proteftants, in the pre fervation of their Religion, and oppo fition unto all Popilb Defigns whatever. And (to(peak with Modefty enough) as they have hitherto in all In- fiances of Zeal and Duty for the prefervation ofthe 1h roteftant Religion, been as ready andforward a any otherfort of men, fo whatever may befall them,- how. ever they may be traduced, or¡falfly accufed, they do and will continue in giving the higheft fecurity, that Confcience, Profe,&on, Principles, Intereft, and. Ac7ions cangive, of their ftability in thefame Caufe. Onely they defire ì to be excufed, if they make not ufè Of this notable Enginefor oppo f ng ofPopery, namely, the flirring up (at this prefent time) of jealoufies, Fears and Animofities amongft Proteftants, which o. thers judge ferviceable unto that End. But that which animates all thefein!nuations, charges. and Re- ports, is our Thankful acceptance of the Indulgence granted by his Majefty by apublique Declaration force years ago whereby itjhouldfern the Pap f s thought to makeforrie advantage, 'though they were deceiv'd in their Expectation. Imuft needsfay that whatever be the true Cafe in reference thereto in point ofLatin, that inmy judgment itfcarcely anflvereth that Loyalty ande regardunto bis Majetties honour, whichfume men Prod Jef:, when all' his 4Etions arefuited to their. Interefts :