Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

(32) i. Every Church-State that bath an efpecial Inflitution of its own, giving its efpecial kind, fuppofeth and bath refped unto the Law- and Light of Nature, requiring and directing in general, thole things which belong unto the Being, Or- der, and Prefervationoffuch Societies as that is. That there ought to be Societies,wherein men voluntarily joyn together, for the folemn Performance of Divine Woríhip, and joynt walking in obedience before God; that thefe Societies ought toufe fuch means, for their ownPeace, and. Order, as the light ofNaturedire&s unto, that where many havea common Interef , they ought to confult in ccmmon for the due management of it, with other things of the like Impor- tance, are evident Di&ates of this Light and Law. Now whatever Church-State may be fuperinducedby Divine InP,i- tution, yet this Light and Law in all their evident Di&-ates, continue their obligingPower in, andover the minds of men, and mutt do fo eternally. Wherefore things that belong, hereunto need no new Inflitution in any Church-State wha ever; But yet, z. Whatever is required by the Light of Nature in fuch So- cieties as Churches., as ufeful unto their Order, and con- ducing unto their end; is a Divine Inftitntion. The Lord Chrift in the Inflitutionof Gofpel-Churches, their State, Or- der, Rule, and Woríhip, doth not require of his Dífciples, that in their Obfervance of his Appointments, they frould ceafe to be men, or forego the life and Exercife of their rational Abilities, according to the Rule of that Exercife, which is the Light of Nature. Yea becaufe the Rules and Dire'a.ions are in thiscaíè to be applied unto things Spiritu- al. andof meer Revelation, he giveth Wifdom, Prudence, and Underílanding to make éhate-Application in a due man- ner, unto thofe to whom the Gtudance and Rule of the Church is committed.Wherefore as unto all the things which the Light o,Nature dire&s us unto; with refpect unto the Obier-