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( 34) them , by whom it is exerted , it is an AEt of Obedience unto Chrift, or it is a meer Ufurpation. All Church Pow- er is nothing but a Faculty or Ability , to obey the Com- mands of Chrift in fuch a way and manner as he hath al); pointed. For it is his Conftitution , that the Adminiftration of his folemn Worfhip in the Church , and the Rule of it as unto the obfervance of his commands fhould be com- mitted unto force Terfons fet apart unto that end, according unto his appointment. This is all their Authority, all that they have of Order or , or by any other ways whereby they are pleafed to exprefs it. And where there is any Gofpel Adminiftration , anyAd of Rule or Government in the Church., which . thofe that perform it, do not give an evidence that they-do it in Obedience unto Chrifl, it is null as unto any Obligation on the Confciences of his Difciples. The negle& hereof in the World, where, in many in the Exercife of Church Difcipline or any Acts that belong unto the Rule of it , think of nothing but their own Offices, whereunto fuch Powers are annexed, by humane Laws and Canons, as enable them to.Acî in their . own names , without defigning Obedience unto Chrift in all that they do , or to make a juft reprefentation of his Authority, Wifdom, and love thereby, is ruinous unto Church Order and Rule. 7. There is no Legiflative `.Power in, and over the Church, as unto its Form, Order and Worfhip, left unto anyof the Sons of men, under any qualification whatever ; For, I. There are none of them , who have ,an Intereft in thole Rights , gáalifications , and Endowments, which are neceilàry unto an Inveftiture into fuch a Legiflative Power. For what was given and granted unto Chrift himfelf unto this end , that he might be the Lawgiver of the Church, mu,`t be found alfo in them, who pretend unto any Intereft therein. Have they any of them a Right and Title -1