Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

To the. Reader. to continuefuck outcries about-that Which was his own foie Ail by the advice ofhis Counfel. We did indeed Thankfully accept and make ufe of this Royal Favour ; and after that for fo many years De had been expojed to all manner of f fferings and Penalties, whereby multitudes were ruined in their gates, andfome loft their Lives, and that without hopes of any gemißion o. f feverity from the Parliament that thenfate, by their miflake ofthe true Interefi of the kingdom, wherein alone they did not mifi it, we )vere glad to take a little breathing fpace from our troubles, under his Majeflies Royal ProteEtion, defign'd onely as an Ex- pedient (as was ufual informer times) for the Peace and Profperity ofthe Kingdom, until the whole mat- ter might be fettled in Parliament. And if this. 'mere a crime habetis confitentem ream, as to my part. But becaufe Iknowmy fef herein peculiarly refleEted on, I do avow, that never any one Perfon in Authority, Dignity or Power in the Nation, nor any one that bad anyrelation untopublick Afairs, nor any from them, Papi3t or Proteflant, did once [peak one word to me,or advfe )with me, about any Indulgence or Toleration to be granted unto Papifis ; I Challenge all the World who are other)v f Minded, to intermit theirfervice for a feafon:unto the great /age Accu` er, and prove the Contrary if they can ; Thè Perfons are fiefaciently a z kno)vn