(45) is, and 1haIl for ever be in this World. And thofe who would on the one hand confine the Church of Chrift in this notion of it , unto any one Church falling under a particular Denomination, as the Church of Rome , which may utterly fail : Or are ready on the other hand upon the fuppofed or real Errors or Mifcarriages of them, or any of them, who make this Profeflion, to caft them out of their thoughts and affections , as thofe who belong not unto the Kingdom or the Church ofChrift, are not onely injurious unto them, but Enemies unto the Glory and Honour of Chrift. 3. This grant of the Father may be confidered with re- fpe& unto particular Churches , or Congregations. And the end of thefe Churches is twofold. (i) 1hat Believers as they are Internal, Spiritual, real Subje&s of Chrìfts King- dom , may together a& that Faith, and thofe Graces, whereby they are fo, unto his Glory. I fay it is, that true Believers may together and inSociety, a& all thofe Graces of the Spirit of Chrift , wherein both as unto Faculty and Exercife, their internal Spiritual fubje&ion untoChrift doth confift. And as this is that whereby the Glory of Chrifl in this World doth molt eminently confift , namely, in the joynt exercife of the Faith and Loveof true Believers ; fo it is a principal means of the encreare and augmentation of thofe Graces in themfelves, or their Spiritual Edification. And from this efpecial end of thefe Churches, it follows, that thofe who are Members of them, or bL long to them, ought to be Saints by calling, or luch as are indued with thofe Spiritual Principles and Graces , in whole exercife Chrift is to be Glorified. And where they are not fo the prncipal end of their Conflitution is loft. So are thofe Chúrches to be made up Fundamentally and Materially of thofe 1/.7,ho in their (ingle capacity are N4emi;ers of he Church Catholick iuvi/jhle. (z) Theirfeconde'ndìs, tat thole u,ho he long unto the Church and Kingdom of Chriít under the fe'ond