Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

(47 ) is fo great a readinefs in molt , to judge the Church-State of others , becaufe in force things they agree not in Judg- ment or Pra6ice, with what they conceive tobelong there- unto as, obfru&s a right Judgment herein. And it hath rifen of lateunto fuch a degree of Phrenfy that force deny peremptorily the ChurchState, and confequently the Salva- tion of all that have not DiocefanBithops. Alafs ! that poor men , who are known to others whether they are unto themfelves or no , what is their Office , and what is their Difcharge of it, Mould once think that the Being and Sal- vation of all Churches lhould depend on them , and fuch as they are. Yea force of the men of this perfuafion, that Chriftians cannot be faved unlefs they complywith Dìocefan Bithops , do yet grant that Heathens may be faved without the knowledge of Chrift. (3) Whatever Defe& there hath beende fadto in the conflitution of thefe Churches, and the celebration of Divine Worlhip in them , in any Places or Ages whatever, it will not prove that there was a total fai- lure of them ; much lefs a 2Dfcontinuation of the Right of Believers to Reform and Ere& them according unto the Mindof Chrift. It is hence evident that the perpetual continuation of the Church-State infituted by (hriff under the Gofpel, depends originally on the Grant of the Kingdom unto him by his Fa- ther , withhis Faithfulnefs in that Grant , and his Almighty Power to make it good. And they do but deceive them - felves and trouble others, who think of fafpending this continuation , on mean and low conditions of their own framing. z. The Continuation of this Church State depends on the Promife of Chrifi himfelf to preferve and ccntinue it. He hath afFured us that he will fo bui'd his Church on the Rock, that the Gates of He /Z fiallnot prevailagainfl it, Matth. 16. 18. Under what confideration foever the Church is here firftly