Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

(48) firftly intended , the whole State of it as before defcribed, is included in the Promife ; If the Gates of Hell do prevail either againft the Faith of fincere Believers , or the Catho- lick Profeflion of that Faith, or the expreffion of that Pro. feflìon in the Duties and Ordinances to be obferved in par- ticular Churches, the Promife fails and is of no effe&. 3. It depends on the Word or Lawof Chrift, which gives Right and Title unto all Believers to congregate themfelves in fuch a Church- State, with Rules and Commands for their fo doing. Suppofe (i) That there are a number of Believers, of the Difciples of Chrift in any fuch place , as wherein they can affemble and unite themfelves or joyn to. gether in aSociety for the Worfhip of God. (z) That theyare as yet in noChurch-State , nor do know or own any Power of men that canput them into that State ; I fay the Inflitution of this Church-State by the Authority of Chrift, his Com- mands unto his Difciples , to obferve therein whatever he hath commanded, and the Rules he hath given whereby fuck a Church-State is to be ere&ed, what Officers are to prelide therein , and what other Duties belong thereun- to, is Warranty fuflicient for them to joyn themfelves in inch a State. Who Thal! make it unlawful for the Difci- ples of Chrift to obey the Commands oftheir Lord and Ma- iler ? Who Thall make it lawful for them toneglec`,t what he requires at any time ? Wherever therefore men have the Wordof the Scripture to teach them their Duty , it is lawful for them to comply with all the commands of Chrift contained therein. And whereas there are many Priviledges and Powers accompanying this Church-State , and thofe who are interefted therein are as filch, the efpecial Obje& of many Divine Promifes , this Word and Law of Chrift doth make aconveyance of them all unto thofe who in Obedience unto his inftitutions and commands do enter into that State, by theway&means that hehathappointed.Whilft wehear him, according to the reiterated Dire&ion given us fromHeaven, whilft