Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

Cs= ) in them all. The Laws of Chrift in , and unto his Church, as unto all outward Obedience, are fuited unto thofe. in- ward Principles and Inclinations, which by his Spirit and Grace, he hath implanted in the Hearts of them that be- lieve. Hence his 74e is eafy, and his Commandments are not grievous. And therefore none of his true Difciples liince he had a Church upon the Earth did , or could fatisfy themfelves in their own Faith and Obedience , fingularly and perfonally ; but would venture their lives and all that was dear unto them , for Communion with others, and the affociating themfelves with them of the fame Spirit and way, for the obfervance of the Commands of Chrift. The Martyrs of the Primitive Churches of old, loí1. more of their Blood and Lives for their Meetings and Affemblies, than for perfonal Profef ion of the Faith, and fo alfo have others done under the Roman Apollacy. It is an ufual Plea among them who ingage in the Perfecution or Punifhment of fuch as differ from them; that if they pleafe they may keep their Opinions, their Confciences and Faith unto them- (elves, without Meetings for Communion or publick Worfhip. And herein they fuppofe they deal friendly and gently with them. And this is our prefent Cafe. It is true indeed as Tertuflian obferved of old, that men in thefe things have no Power over us, but what they have from our own Wills; we willingly choofe to be, and to continue, what thy take advantage to give us trouble for. And it is natu- rally in our Power , to free our felves from them and their Laws, everyday. But we like it not we cannot purchafe outward Peace and QZietnefs at any fuch rate. But as was laid, the inward Inflinel of Believers , from the fame Prin- ciples of Faith , Love, and all the Graces of the Spirit, in them all , cloth efficacioufly lead and incline them unto their joynt exereife in Societies, unto the Glory of Chrift, and their own Edification , or encreafe of the fame -Graces H z in