Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

(s3) and have any internal Principle enclining them to that which they profefs to believe as .a fundamental Article of their Faith , namely, the Communion of Saints, and ro man is defired to prove the certainty and neceflìty of the continu- ance of this State. But there are fome who maintain that the Continuation and Prefervation of this Church State, depends foley on a fuccefve Ordination of Church Officers, from the Apoflles, and fö down throughout all Ages unto the end of the World. For this they fay is the only means of conveying Church Power from one time to another; fo as that if it tail, all Church. State, Order,.and Power mutt fall, never in this World to be recovered. There is they fay a Flux of Power through the hands of the Ordainers , unto the Ordained , by vertue of their outward Ordination , whereon the Being of the Church loth depend. Eowbeit thofe who ufe this Flea, are not at all agreed about thofe things which are eflential in, and unto thisfuccejve Ordination. Some think that the Lord Chrift committed the Keys of the Kingdom of Hea- ven unto Teter only , and he to the Bifhop of Rome alone, from whole Perfon therefore all their Ordination mutt be derived. Some think, and thofe on various Grounds, that it is committed unto all and only Diocefan L3ifhops , whole Being and Beginning are very uncertain. Others require no more unto it, but that Preslyters be ordained by Pref- byters ; who were rejected in their Plea, by both the for- mer forts ; and other differences almoft innumerable among them who are thus minded might bereckoned up. But whereas this whole Argument about Terfonal fue- ce tve Ordination , hath been fully handled . and the Pre- tences of it difproved by the chiefeft Proteilant Writers a- gainft the Papifts ; and becaufe i defign not an Oppofition unto what others think and do , but the Declaration and Confirmation of the Truthin what we have propofed to in- faí.