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(58) of his Houle , by whom they are delivered into the hands of his Stewards' fo far as their Office requires that Trutt. Now this (which we null afterwards more fully confirm) is utterly incóinfiflent with the committing of all Church Powerunto one Perfon by vertue of his Ordination by ano- ther. Nothing that hath been fpoken loth at all hinder or de- ny, but that where Churches are rightly conftituted , they ought in their Offices, Officers, and Order to be preferved by a fuccefrive Ordination of Paflors and Rulers , wherein thole who a&ually prefide in them, have a particular Inter- eft in the orderlycommunication of Church Powerunto them. C H A P. IV. The Efpecial Nature of the Gofpel Church-State appointed by Chrift. HE Principal Enquiry which wehave thus far prepa- red the way unto , and whereon all that enfues unto- it Both depend , is concerning the efpecial Nature of that Church-State, Rule, and Order, which the Lord Chrift hath Inftituted under the Gofpel, of what fort and kind it is. And hereunto fome things muff be premifed. i. I defign not here to oppofe , nor any way to confider fuch Additions as menmay have judgedneceflàry tobe added unto that Church -State which Chrift hath appointed , to render it, in their apprehenfion, more ufeful unto its ends, . than otherwife it would be. Ofthis fort there are many things in the World, and of along feafonhave been fo. But our prefent Bufinefs is to prove the Truth , and not todif-. prove the conceits of other men. And fo far as our Caufe is concerned herein, it fhall be done by it felf, fo as not to in- terrupt us in the declaration ofthe Truth. a:. Whereas thereare great corneas about Communion with Church=