Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

To the Reader: Blades know hoiv to turn it all unto their advan- tage- As it _Mould feem therefore there remaines nothingfor Non-conformtlts to do in this matter ; but to bind,themfelves hand andfoot, and give themfelves up unto the power of the Papi.fts ; for all they do a- gainf them , doth but promote their Intereît. r13ut this I am perfivaded they will be greatly unwilling unto, unlefs they are well a/jured, that their Epfco= pal Friends will be more ready to expofe themfelves to. hazard for their prefervation and deliverance,- then yet they have reafon to expeE that they ïill. But for my part Iwas a long time fince taught an Expedient by an eminent pertnape for thefreeing myfeif from any inclination to a Compliance îvith Popery, and that in the Irfance of himfelf. For being in Ireland when there vat informer dayes, a great nofe about Reconciliation a Perfon of his own. Order and Degree in the Court of England, wrote unto him. to inform him, of a Deport, that he was enclin'd to a Reconciliation with Popery, or a Compliance. on Good Terms with the Church ofRome and lvith-- al defired him, that if it werefo, he would Commu- nicateunto him the Reafon of his Judgment. But that great and wfe Perfónage, underftanding full. well whereunto thefe things tended, returned no anfwer but this. onely ;. That be knew no reafon. for any fuck=