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(ho) 4. Some there are, who plead for a National Church- State, arifing from anAffciationof the Officersof particular Churches , in feveral Degrees, which they call Claf ical and Provincial, until it extend it felf unto the limits ofanwhole .Nation, that is one civil Body, depending as fuch on its own. fupreme Ruler and Law. I Mall neither examine nor oppofe this Opinion ; there hathbeen enough, ifnot too muchalrea- dy difputed about it. But 5. The viable Church State which Christ hath inftituted under the New Teftament, confifs in an efpecial Society or Congregation of profed Believers, joyned together according, unto his Mind , with their Officers, Guides, or Rulers whomhe bath appointed, whichdo, or may meet together for the celebra- tion of all the Ordu,ances of Divine Worfhip, the profefsing and authoritativelypropofng the Docirine of the Gofpel, with the Exercife of the Difciplineprefcribedby himfelf, unto their own mutual Edfcation, with the Glory o(Chrifl, in the Pre fervation and `Propagation of his Kingdom in the World. The things obfervable in this Defcription, and for the far- ther Declaration of ir, are ; (i) The Material caufe ofthis Church, or the Matter whereof it is compofed which are, viable Believers. (z) TheformalCaufe of it, which is their voluntary Coalefcency into fuch a Society or Congregation, according to the mind of Chrift. (3) The Endof it, is pre- fential, local Communion, in all the Ordinances and Inítitu- tions of Chrift, in Obedience unto him, and their own Edi- fication. (4) In particular thefe ends are, (i) The Preach- ing of the Word, unto the Edification of the Church it felf, . and the Converfion of others. (z) Adminiflrationofthe Sa- craments, or all the Myflical Appointments of Christ in the Church. (3) The Prefervation andExercife of Evangelical Difcipline. (4) Viably to profefs their Subjeflion unto Christ in the World, by the obfervation ofhis commands. (5) The Bounds and Limits of this Church, are taken from the num- ber of flit Members ,, which ought not to be fo Small, as that