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(6t) that they cannot obferve,and doall that Chrifl hath comman- ded in due Order; nor yet fo Great as not to meet together for the Ends of Inflitution of the Church before mentioned. (6) That this Church in its compleat State, confifls of Pa fors, or a Tallor and Elders , who are its Guides and Ru- lers, and the Community of the Faithful under their Rule. (7) That unto fuch a Church, and every one of them, be- longs of Right all the Priviledges, Promifes and Power that Chrifl doth give andgrant unto the Church inthis World. Thefe and fundry other things of the like Nature fhall be afterwards fpoken unto in their Order , according unto the Method intended in the prefent Difcourfe. Two things I fhall now proceed unto. (i) To prove that Chrift hath appointed this Church-State under the Gofpel, namely, of a particular or Jingle Congregation. (z) That he hath appointed no other Church State that is inconfiflent with this, much lefs that is deftru6live of it. s. Chrifl appointed that Church-State which is meet and accommodated unto all the ends which he deigned in his Inflitution of a Church. But fuchalone is that Church Form and Order that we have propofed. In Chrifls Inflitution of the Church, it was none of his ends, that fome men might be thereby advanced to Rule, Honour, Riches, or fecular Grandeur; but the dire& contrary, Matth. 20. z5,ì6, 27, z8. Nor did he do it, that his Difciples might be ruled and go- verned by force or the Laws of men; or that they fhould be obilru&ed in the exercife of any Graces, Gifts, or Privi- ledges that he had purchafed for them, or would beflow on them. And to fpeak plainly, (let it be defpifed by them that pleafe) this cannot greatly value that Church-State which is not fuited, to guide, excite and dire& the exercife of all Evangelical Graces unto the Glory of Chrift in adue manner. For, to propofe peculiar and proper obje&s for them, to give peculiar motives unto them , to limit the feafons and circumflances of their exercife, andregulate the manner of the Per. for-